New Membership Applications
Membership is open to individuals and organizations who support the objectives of the Society, which are:
- to promote scientific research in cryobiology and cryotechnology;
- to improve scientific understanding in this field and to apply this knowledge to the benefit of human beings;
- To maintain the highest ethical and scientific standards in the performance of their professional duties.
Individual Members Membership Fee Regular ¥6,000/year Student ¥1,000/year
Domestic Corporate Membership
1 unit = 40,000 yen/year
Here is “Application form”. Please send your application form to
JSCC Office
Akita University, 1-1-1 Hondo, Akita 0108543, Japan.
Shinsuke Seki
Tel: 018-884-6195, Fax: 018-836-2626
E-mail: sseki[at]