Multidisciplinary Lecture Series on Life Innovation

Subject No. 41551111 Subject Multidisciplinary Lecture Series on Life Innovation
Semester S1, A1 Day of the week Thursday Class hour 6th period
GPLLI instructor GPLLI instructor
Lecture room Seminar Room No. 6, 13th Floor, Faculty of Medicine Experimental Research Building
First day of class Thursday, April 9th
Purpose of the course With the keywords “measurement,” “prediction,” and “control” of organisms, this multidisciplinary course organizes the foundational content of the existing disciplines of medical, engineering, pharmaceuticals, and science, in an integrated theoretical structure for the creation of a cutting-edge healthcare development system. The lectures deliberately cross the borders between disciplines and departments / agencies. Since without some knowledge and awareness of different fields, it is impossible even to image joint research and integration that can drive life innovation. Thus, students gain the knowledge and perspectives to enable them to collaborate and co-create.
What is required by a future life innovation leader is the ability to select a target from amongst a finite number of actual events (phenomena), and judge accurately what measures and methods to use on that target, what to calculate, and what to control, within the bounds of restrictions on spatio-temporal resolution, .....
Target: Course students in their first year
Class format Lecture
Class schedule Lectures are conducted in three general categories.
Measurement of organisms: This topic covers the basic theory and technology of measurement of molecules, cells, tissue, and internal organs.
Measurement through nuclear magnetic resonance and electromagnetic waves (X-rays to infrared rays), molecular cell measurement probes, endoscopes, catheters, ultrasound, sequencers, etc.
Prediction of organisms: This topic covers integration and modeling at the molecular, cellular, tissue, and internal organ level.
Mathematical models, computer simulation, In vitro modeling/simulation, In vivo modeling/simulation, etc.
Control of organisms: This topic covers the basic theory and technology of control of molecules, cells, tissue, and internal organs.
Physical manipulation (surgical treatment, medical robots/devices), chemical manipulation (medical compounds/materials, regenerative medicine), biological manipulations (drug treatment, stem cell transplantation), etc.
Textbooks and reference books Nothing specified in particular.
Grading criteria Attendance and reports
Other See the program homepage for schedules and other details.