The 31st Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (JSGCT2025)

Call for Abstracts

Abstract submission period

Submission Deadline is March 20 (Thur.) 2025.

  1. *Abstract submission form requires a Web browser of Microsoft Internet Explorer,
    Netscape, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Google Chrome. Please use the latest version of browsers.
  2. *Your e-mail address is required for online abstract submission. Please make sure your e-mail address is valid in case of we can contact you.
  3. *Presentation of the free paper will be in the form of an ORAL or a POSTER. 
  4. *Confirmations for submission and notifications of acceptance/rejection will be e-mailed to the registered address. Please make sure that the presenting author receives the messages.

JSGCT Travel Grant 2025

JSGCT will award "JSGCT Travel Grant 2025" to young researchers (under 45 years old) who will make excellent presentations at the JSGCT Annual Meeting in hopes of further development of their research. Please see the requirements below for details.

JSGCT Travel Grant 2025 requirements (PDF)

Abstract Categories

A. Basic science and technologies
A1 Gene regulation
A2 Gene editing
A3 Oligonucleotides
A4 RNAi technologies and miRNA
A5 Stem cells (include ES cells and iPS cells)
A6 Tissue engineering
A7 Cell processing
A8 Bioimaging
A9 Immune/Inflammation regulation
A10 Others
B. Vector development and gene transfer technologies
B1 Viral vectors
B2 Non-viral vectors
B3 Gene editing
B4 Other gene transfer technologies
C. Preclinical studies for gene and cell therapy
(include studies for molecular pathogenesis)
C1 Genetic diseases
C2 Cancer
C3 Cardiovascular diseases
C4 Neurologic, ophthalmic and musculo-skeletal diseases
C5 Infectious diseases and vaccines
C6 Cell therapy
C7 Regenerative medicine
C8 Gene editing
C9 Others
D. Clinical studies for gene and cell therapy
D1 Genetic diseases
D2 Cancer
D3 Cardiovascular diseases
D4 Neurologic, ophthalmic and musculo-skeletal diseases
D5 Infectious diseases and vaccines
D6 Cell therapy
D7 Gene editing
D8 Others
E. Regulatory Science
E1 Regulatory science

Guideline for abstract submission and eligibility

Abstract submission

  1. Contents of the abstracts should be original and unpublished/unpresented work.
  2. Submission must be made through online.
  3. Abstract and application form should be filled in English.
  4. Abstract title: Less than 50 words.
  5. Abstract body: Less than 450 words.
  6. Do not include any figures, charts, illustrations and photographs.
  7. Please be sure to check errors and misspelling before submitting your abstract.
  8. Accepted abstracts will be published in the Congress Program exactly as you submitted.


  1. When abstract submission is completed, the first author will receive a confirmation of registration by e-mail from the Meeting-Secretariat. (If e-mail is not received within 1 week, please contact the Meeting-Secretariat by e-mail at
  2. 31st JSGCT Scientific Program Committee will review all abstracts around May 2025 and first authors will be notified with the results by the end of May 2025.
  3. Confirmation for submission and notifications of acceptance/rejection will be e-mailed to the registered address. Please make sure your e-mail address is valid to receive the messages.

Eligibility for submission

  1. For first or presenting authors who are Non-Japanese citizens and residing outside of Japan are not required to be a member of JSGCT.
  2. For first or presenting authors who are Japanese citizens and Non-Japanese citizens residing in Japan, must be a member of JSGCT. To become a member, please access below.
    Member admission.

Presentation formats

  1. Presentation of the free paper will be in the form of an ORAL or a POSTER.
  2. The abstract category which relates best should be selected from the list of topics given in the application form.

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (COI)

For oral presentations, please include a slide disclosing the state of COI in your PowerPoint presentation by using the sample templates.


Conference Coordinator of JSGCT 2025
c/o DO Convention, Inc.
5F, 2-23 Kandaawajicho, Chiyodaku, Tokyo 101-0063