Message from the Chairman

It is a great honor for us to be able to host the 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society in Tokushima City. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all members of the Japanese Orthodontic Society for providing us with this opportunity.

The main theme of this meeting is “Seeking the best balance between stability and efficiency in orthodontics.” With remarkable advances in life sciences, the medical community has introduced various new medical technologies in recent years. In addition, vigorous efforts have been made to develop and promote a system that helps ensure safe and reliable medical treatment. To achieve further development of orthodontics in the future, it is important and indispensable to seek the best balance between stability and efficiency in orthodontic treatment. I hope this meeting will contribute to innovative changes toward a new era of growth in the orthodontic field.

A special lecture and an educational lecture will be delivered by two prominent researchers who have led the world through their outstanding inventions and discoveries. The winner of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics, Professor Shuji Nakamura of the University of California, Santa Barbara, will give a special lecture entitled “Invention of High Efficient Blue LED and Future Solid State Lighting”. Toshio Matsumoto, Director, Fujii Memorial Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Tokushima, who also serves as Professor Emeritus of the same university, will give an educational lecture on mechanical stress and bones.

At a symposium, four female doctors/orthodontists will speak on the theme of “women’s social advancement in the workforce—messages to women working in the medical field.” A panel discussion will also be held with a guest speaker, actress Maki Mizuno, who has undergone orthodontic treatment. The meeting program also includes a clinical seminar, staff & doctor seminar and many other intriguing contents.

The venues of this meeting will be ASTY Tokushima and Murasaki Hall in Tokushima City. For a banquet, we have specially arranged to use a facility in the Otsuka Museum of Art in Naruto City. In autumn, Tokushima offers a great variety of delicious food from the sea, mountains, rivers and fields. You can also enjoy the breathtaking beauty of fall foliage in the forests that cover 80 percent of the total area of Tokushima Prefecture.

I sincerely look forward to your participation.


Eiji Tanaka
Chairman, The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society
Copyright 2016 The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society