Access & Venue

■Directions to ASTY Tokushima / Murasaki Hall

Directly from Tokushima Airport to ASTY Tokushima

  • By Taxi:approx. 40min. (JPY 4,000)

From Tokushima Airport to JR Tokushima Station

  • By Taxi: approx. 25min. (about 15km, JPY 3,500)
  • By Tokushima City Bus:
    Bound for JR Tokushima Station (Leaving from Tokushima Airport Bus stop)
    approx. 25min. (JPY 440)

    *Please refer to “From JR Tokushima Station” below for direction from Tokushima Station to ASTY Tokushima.

From JR Tokushima Station

  • By Tokushima City Bus: approx. 15min. (JPY 210)
    *Shuttle bus services will be prepared in the morning and night of
    Nov. 8 - 9.
  • By Taxi: approx. 10min. (JPY 1,400)

※Meeting Registration: Available only at ASTY Tokushima during meeting period.

■Direction to Otsuka Museum of Art (Banquet Party Venue)

Approx. 40min. by shuttle bus from ASTY Tokushima

Copyright 2016 The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society