
(1) 原著:

1) Suzuki C, Ikeda Y, Tateno A, Okubo Y, Fukayama H, Suzuki H.:Acute Atomoxetine selectively modulates encoding of reward value in ventral medial prefrontal cortex. J Nippon Med Sch.2019; 86: 98-107.

2) Ikeda Y, Funayama T, Tateno A, Fukayama H, Okubo Y, Suzuki H.:Bupropion increases activation in nucleus accumbens during anticipation of monetary reward.

Psychopharmacol. 2019; 236(12): 3655-3665. 3) Iwasaki H, Sakai A, Maruyama M, Ito T, Sakamoto A, Suzuki H.:Increased H19 long non-coding RNA expression in Schwann cells in peripheral neuropathic pain.

J Nippon Med Sch.2019; 86: 215-221. 4) Karibe H, Koeda M, Aoyagi-Naka K, Kato Y, Tateno A, Suzuki H, Okubo Y.:Differences in the perception of dental sounds: a preliminary study. Patient Prefer Adherence.2019; 13:1051-1056.

5) Hoshikawa N, Sakai A, Takai S, Suzuki H.:Targeting extracellular miR-21-TLR7 signaling provides long-lasting analgesia in osteoarthritis. Molecular Therapy: Nucleic Acid.2020; 19: 199-207.

6) Saitow F, Takumi T, Suzuki H.:Change in serotonergic modulation contributes to the synaptic imbalance of neuronal circuit at the prefrontal cortex in the 15q11-13 duplication mouse model of autism.Neuropharmacology. 2020;165:107931.

7) Ito T, Sakai A, Maruyama M, Miyagawa Y, Okada T, Fukayama H, Suzuki H.:Dorsal Root Ganglia Homeobox downregulation in primary sensory neurons contributes to neuropathic pain in rats. Mol Pain. 2020;16:1-11.

8) Wakabayashi N, Sakai A, Takada H, Hoshi T, Sano H, Ichinose S, Suzuki H, Ogawa R.: Noncontact phased-array ultrasound facilitates acute wound healing in mice.Plast Reconstr Surg. 2020;145(2):348e-359e.

9) Kobayashi K, Mikahara Y, MurataY, Morita D, Matsuura S, Segi-Nishida E, Suzuki H.: Predominant Role of Serotonin at the Hippocampal Mossy Fiber Synapse With Redundant Monoaminergic Modulation. iScience. 2020; 31;23(4): 101025.

(2) 総説:

(分担) 1) 池田裕美子:fMRIを用いた鎮痛薬トラマドールによる脳内報酬系に対する効果 ファルマシア 2019; 55(4): 283-286.

2)坂井 敦、丸山基世1、鈴木秀典:MicroRNA and long non-coding RNA in neuropathic pain神経障害性疼痛におけるマイクロRNAと長鎖非コードRNA.2019;Pain Research 34(3): 219-227.

3) 鈴木秀典: 特集 現代医学・生物学の先駆者たちVI.神経科学 大塚正徳(1929-) 神経伝達物質の発見. 生体の科学 2019; 70(5) :452-453.

4) 坂井 敦、鈴木秀典: マイクロRNAに着目したリキッドバイオプシーと痛みのバイオマーカーへの可能性. 麻酔2019年増刊号 2019; 68: S167-S175.

5) 坂井 敦: 慢性疼痛と一次求心ニューロンの遺伝子発現. CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE 2019; 37(12): 1502-1505. 

6) 鈴木秀典: スポーツと薬理学. 日本薬理学雑誌 2019; 154(5): 233-234.

(3) 書籍

1)Hirono M, Saitow F, Suzuki H.(分担):Serotonin and synaptic transmission in the cerebellum In: Manto M, Gruol D, Schmahmann J, Koibuchi N, Sillitoe R. (eds) Handbook of the Cerebellum and Cerebellar Disorders. Second edition, Springer, (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-97911-3_38-2) Inpress.

2)鈴木秀典(総編集・分担):スポーツ医薬 アンチ・ドーピング徹底解説 分担:アンチ・ドーピングの枠組みと禁止薬物p2-11、蛋白同化作用を有する物質p14-20、 麻薬(鎮痛薬)・カンナビノイドp84-90 2020 中山書店

(1) 原著:

1) Saitow F, Nagano M, Suzuki H.: Developmental Changes in Serotonergic Modulation of GABAergic Synaptic Transmission and Postsynaptic GABAA Receptor Composition in the Cerebellar Nuclei. Cerebellum. 2018; 17: 346-358.

2) Asari Y, Ikeda Y, Tateno A, Okubo Y, Iijima T, Suzuki H.: Acute tramadol enhances brain activity associated with reward anticipation in the nucleus accumbens. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2018; 235(9): 2631-2642.

3) Kato TM, Kubota-Sakashita M, Fujimori-Tonou N, Saitow F, Fuke S, Masuda A, Itohara S, Suzuki H, Kato T.: Ant1 mutant mice bridge the mitochondrial and serotonergic dysfunctions in bipolar disorder. Mol Psychiatry. 2018; 23(10): 2039-2049.

4) Kobayashi K, Suzuki H.: Synapse‐selective rapid potentiation of hippocampal synaptic transmission by 7,8‐dihydroxyflavone. Neuropsychopharmacology Reports. 2018; 38: 197-203.

5) Kobayashi K, Takagi T, Ishii S, Suzuki H, Miyakawa T.: Attenuated bidirectional short-term synaptic plasticity in the dentate gyrus of Schnurri-2 knockout mice, a model of schizophrenia. Molecular Brain. 2018; 11:56.

6) Nagano M, Takumi T, Suzuki H.: Critical roles of serotonin-oxytocin interaction during the neonatal period in social behavior in 15q dup mice with autistic traits. Sci Rep. 2018; 8(1): 13675.

7) Satoh H, Suzuki H, Saitow F.: Downregulation of dopamine D1-like receptor pathways of GABAergic interneurons in the anterior cingulate cortex of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Neuroscience. 2018; 394: 267-285.

8) Kato TM, Kubota-Sakashita M, Fujimori-Tonou N, Saitow F, Fuke S, Masuda A, Itohara S, Suzuki H, Kato T.: Mitochondrial dysfunction causes hyperexcitability of serotonergic neurons. Mol Psychiatry. 2018; 23(10): 1971.

研究協力者(池田裕美子、鈴木秀典) Wilson RP, Colizzi M, Bossong MG, Allen P, Kempton M; MTAC, Bhattacharyya S.: The Neural Substrate of Reward Anticipation in Health: A Meta-Analysis of fMRI Findings in the Monetary Incentive Delay Task. Neuropsychol Rev. 2018; 28(4):496-506.

(2) 総説:

1) 鈴木秀典:神経障害性疼痛と非コードRNA. 痛みと漢方 2018;28:16-21.

2) 坂井 敦、鈴木秀典:microRNAクラスターmiR-17-92による神経障害性疼痛の制御 生化学 2018;90(4):524-528.

3) 池田裕美子、舘野 周、大久保善朗、鈴木秀典:金銭的報酬予測における側坐核の脳活動に対するトラマドールの効果 日本医科大学医学会雑誌 2018;14(3):98-99.