Welcome to Max Planck-The University of Tokyo Center for Integrative Inflammology

The Center for Integrative Inflammology is one of the newly established International Max Planck Centers and the first partnership with the University of Tokyo (http://www.mpg.de/7021492/Max_Planck_Centers_Partner_Institutes). Our cooperative project aims to improve the prevention and treatment of inflammatory conditions. Inflammation is a highly complex set of processes associated with a wide-range of disease conditions, such as bacterial or viral infection, cancer, allergy, autoimmunity, neurological and metabolic disorders.

Biomedical research has identified a multitude of different inflammatory reactions and pathways involved in inflammatory-based diseases, but has struggled at times to dissect the tremendous complexity of this field.  The Max Planck Society and The University of Tokyo have conceived this Center with the recognition that new methods, technologies, and the cooperation of scientists from a host of different disciplines is required to advance the field of research in this area.  As a result, the Center plans to intensify research in the new field of Integrative Inflammology by combining research projects from both organizations, facilitating the exchange of scientific experience between and within scientific disciplines, and strengthening the networks that exists between each side.  As part of this mission, the Center will actively exchange investigators and graduate students between the two organizations.

The Center is initially set to operate for five years and will be located on The University of Tokyo campus.  Researchers will not work solely at the Center itself, but will participate in research activities at other departments within the Max Planck Institutes and University of Tokyo. Regular visits between partner institutions will promote the intensive exchange of ideas and findings. In support of the objective to nurture the next generation of scientists, the Center will offer training programs for PhD students and research residencies in laboratories of partner institutions.  This will help to foster an identity of the Center and the new field of Integrative Inflammology.

We fervently encouraged all interested individuals to contact the Center, particularly young investigators within the Center's participating laboratories.  The success of this new endeavor depends on your support and cooperation. 


Tada Taniguchi (Department of Molecular Immunology, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo)

Rudolf Grosschedl (Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics)



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