
June 6 (Thu) - 8 (Sat), 2024
Grand Mercure Sapporo Odori Park


Thursday, June 6

15:00-15:05 Opening Remarks

Hitoshi Nakagama

15:05-15:10 Welcome Address

Masanori Hatakeyama

15:10-15:50 Keynote Lecture 1

Somatic mosaicism and cancer
Seishi Ogawa (Kyoto Univ.)

15:50-17:05 Session 1. Medical AI / Mathematical Simulation

Understanding Cancer Diversity by Quantitative Representation of Histopathology
Shumpei Ishikawa (Univ. of Tokyo / Natl. Cancer Center)

Integration of deep learning and mathematical modeling unveil the dynamics of tumor microenvironment
Yasuhiro Kojima (Natl. Cancer Center)

Clinical applications of artificial intelligence: AI-powered data-driven cancer research
Ryuji Hamamoto (Natl. Cancer Center)

18:00-20:00 Welcome Party (Presenter (oral & poster) only)


Friday, June 7

9:00-9:40Keynote Lecture 2

Comprehensive genomic profiling, the foundation of precision oncology: present and future
Marc Ladanyi (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center New York, NY, USA)

9:40-10:30 Session 2. Epigenetic Regulation (1)

Therapeutic Approaches for Cancer and Sarcoma Targeting RNA Binding Proteins
Akihide Yoshimi (Natl. Cancer Center)

Deciphering the mechanisms of cancer development driven by aberrant splicing events
Daichi Inoue (Osaka Univ.)

10:30-10:40 Coffee Break

10:40-11:35 Session 3. Epigenetic Regulation (2)

Unveiling long non-coding RNA as a novel therapeutic bullseye
Yutaka Kondo (Nagoya Univ.)

Topological formation of transcriptional condensates relative to subnuclear compartments
Won-Ki Cho (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)

11:35-12:30 Session 4. Precision Cancer Medicine (1) - Prevetion -

Integrative analyses of environment, microbiota, immunity, and tumor for precision medicine
Dr. Shuji Ogino (Harvard University, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard)

New horizons of DNA adductome for exploring environmental causes of cancer
Yukari Totsuka (School of Phamacy, Nihon Univ)

12:40-13:20 Luncheon Seminar 1

Liquid biomarkers for early diagnosis and risk stratification of refractory cancers, from exploratory research to clinical implementation, focusing on the tumor-organ environment
Kazufumi Honda (Graduate School of Medicine, Nippon Medical School)

13:30-14:50 Session 5. Cellular Senescence

Role of stromal p16-positive cells in cancer progression
Makoto Nakanishi (Univ. of Tokyo)

Pros and Cons of senescence in cancer
Andrea Alimonti (Institute of Oncology Research Dept. Health Sci.Tech., ETH Zurich)

Genetic dissection of cellular senescence in cancer and aging
Tatsushi Igaki (Kyoto Univ)

14:50-15:05 Coffee Break

15:05−15:45Sweets Seminar

Detection of previously undetected variants using long-read sequencing data
Yuichi Shiraishi (Division of Genome Analysis Platform Development, National Cancer Center Research Institute, Japan)

15:55-17:10 Session 6. Tumor microenvironment (1)

Multi-layered transcriptional architecture of glioblastoma ecosystems revealed by large scale-single nucleus RNA sequencing
Masashi Nomura (Univ. of Tokyo)

Immune cells derived from clonal hematopoiesis shape the tumor microenvironments
Mamiko Sakata-Yanagimoto (Tsukuba Univ.)

Genetic alterations and other environmental factors characterize the tumor immune microenvironment
Shohei Koyama (Osaka Univ./NCC)

18:00-20:00 Dinner (all participants)


Saturday, June 8

9:00-10:45 Session 7. Tumor Heterogeneity

Strategic drug development using in vitro and in vivo screening to overcome cancer heterogeneity
Shinji Kohsaka (Natl. Cancer Center)

Heterogenous metastatic breast cancer stem cells reside in the metastatic niche
Noriko Gotoh (Kanazawa Univ.)

Survival signaling of drug-tolerant persister cells and mechanisms of acquired resistance emergence
Ryohei Katayama (Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research)

Non-mutagenic factors controlling the likelihood of tumour initiation in never-smoker lung cancer
Clare Weeden (The Francis Crick Inst., UK)

10:45-10:55 Coffee Break

10:55-11:35 Keynote Lecture 3

Immune-genomic analysis of immunosuppressive mechanisms in the tumor microenvironment
Hiroyoshi Nishikawa (National Cancer Center, Japan)

11:35-12:30 Session 8. Tumor microenvironment (2)

Tumor-promoting secretome from senescent CAFs in steatotic liver tumor microenvironment
Naoko Ohtani (Osaka Metropolitan Univ.)

The gut and tumor microbiome as a novel biomarker and potential therapy for patients with lung cancer and melanoma
Arielle Elkrief (Univ. of Montreal)

12:40−13:20 Luncheon Seminar 2

Next-generation cfDNA methylation analysis using a humanoid robot in patients with metastatic urothelial carcinoma
Yoshiyuki Nagumo (Department of Urology, University of Tsukuba, Japan)

13:30−14:50Poster Session (includes coffee break)


14:55−16:40 Session 9. Precision Cancer Medicine (2)

Comprehensive genome profiling (CGP) for precision oncology in Japan
Kuniko Sunami (Natl. Cancer Center)

Identifying the selective mechanism behind U2AF1 mutations in lung adenocarcinoma by prime editinga
David Walter (Dana Farber Cancer Institute, USA)

Pan-cancer comparative and integrative analyses of driver alterations using Japanese and international genomic databases
Keisuke Kataoka (Keio Univ.)

Regulation of cytokine signaling for improved adoptive immunotherapy
Yuki Kagoya (Keio Univ.)

16:40−16:45Closing Remarks

SCSF Sapporo Cancer Seminar Foundation -