The 49th meeting of the Japanese Society of Lymphology

Call for Abstracts

Abstract submission period

November 25 (Mon), 2024 -- February 14 (Fri), 2025

November 25 (Mon), 2024 -- February 28 (Fri), 2025 *extended

Award Session

The Japanese Society of Lymphology Encouragement Award (Nishi Prize) will be selected in this session.

Applicants must be members of the Japanese Society of Lymphology.

There is no age limit, but young researchers who are prospective leaders in lymphology research are preferred.

The winners will be announced and awards will be presented at the reception party.

Abstracts submitted for the Nishi prize may be invited to be presented as a general presentation after abstract review. Please be aware of this in advance.

General Presentation

We are accepting applications for the following five categories

1. Formation, morphology and function of lymphatic vessels
2. Immunity and Lymphatic system
3. Tumor and Lymphatic system
4. Lymphedema and Management
5. Other Topics in Lymphology

Presentation Method

This meeting is planned only for oral presentations at the local venue (Niigata).

Presentations must be given in Japanese or English.

Eligibility for Abstract Submission

In principle, presenters must be members of the Japanese Society of Lymphology, with the exception of undergraduate students.

Please contact the Secretariat of the Japanese Society of Lymphology, regarding membership.

Secretariat of the Japanese Society of Lymphology
In the Department of Innovation of Medical and Health Sciences Research, Shinshu University School of Medicine
3-1-1 Asahi, Matsumoto City, Nagano 390-8621
E-mail: Tel: 0263-31-3071 Fax: 0263-31-3072

How to submit an abstract

 Abstract submission form (and example)

Please download the abstract submission form from the links above.

Please fill in the required information and name the files "abstract_en_first author's name.docx".

Access to the abstract submission page , and submit the first authors information and upload the abstract file prepared above.

Your Google account is required for abstract submission, which is done via a Google form.

If you are unable to register using the Google form, please contact the office of the 49th meeting of the Japanese Society for Lymphology at

The data registered in the abstract submission form will be used and printed as it is. Please note that the office will not check for typographical errors or omissions. Please note that manuscripts cannot be revised after the deadline. Manuscripts submitted after the deadline will not be published, so please strictly adhere to the deadline.

The abstracts will be published in our official journal 'Lymphology' as a journal supplement before the 49th meeting of the Japanese Society for Lymphology.

Notification of receipt of abstract submission

After you have registered your abstract, you will receive a confirmation email to the email address you provided in the Google form.

If you do not receive an email, please contact the office of the 49th meeting of the Japanese Society for Lymphology.

Notification of acceptance or rejection of abstracts

An email will be sent to the email address you provided in the Google form, notifying whether your submited abstract has been accepted or rejected.

The date and time of presentation for accepted abstracts will be announced as soon as it is determined.

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (COI)

The first author (presenter) should indicate the COI status associated with your presentation on the second slide (following the title) of your oral presentation.

 COI Disclosure slide

Please download the template file from the link above and use one of the slides depending on whether or not you have a COI.

Questions or inquiries regarding abstracts

Office of the 49th meeting of the Japanese Society of Lymphology

Division of Pharmacology, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Niigata University

1-757 Asahimachi-dori, Chuo-ku, Niigata 951-8510, Japan


Tel: 025-227-2090 Fax: 025-227-0759