
(Joint Research Projects [Cardiology])

2012-2015 A Kinematic Approach for Simulating Cardiac Beating Motion Ijiri T, Ashihara T, Umetani N, Igarashi T, Haraguchi R, Yokota H, and Nakazawa K: A Kinematic Approach for Efficient and Robust Simulation of the Cardiac Beating Motion. PLoS ONE 7(5): e36706.
2007 L-Systemを利用したPurkinje線維網のモデリングシステム Ijiri T, Takayama K, Igarashi T, Ashihara T, Namba T, Yamaguchi T, Shimada T, Haraguchi R, Nakazawa K: The use of L-System for Modeling Purkinje Fibers. The 2nd MEI International Symposium 2007.
2007 双極記録の多電極マッピングにおける興奮波後面の描出法 Namba T, Todo T, Yao T, Ashihara T, Haraguchi R, Nakazawa K, Ikeda T, Ohe T: Identification of local myocardial repolarization time by bipolar electrode potential. J Electrocardiol 2007;40(Suppl.6):S97-S102.
2003 Naチャネル遮断薬による心房細動中の興奮間隙とコアの拡大 Kawase A, Ikeda T, Nakazawa K, Ashihara T, et al.: Widening of the excitable gap and enlargement of the core of reentry during atrial fibrillation with a pure sodium channel blocker in canine atria. Circulation 2003;107:905-910.
2001 心室細動の維持メカニズムにおける心室中隔の役割 Ikeda T, Kawase A, Nakazawa K, Ashihara T, et al.: Role of structural complexities of septal tissue in maintaining ventricular fibrillation in isolated, perfused canine ventricle. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 2001;12:66-75.
2000 催不整脈基質としての不応期の空間的不均一性 Namba T, Ashihara T, et al.: Spatial heterogeneity in refractoriness as a proarrhythmic substrate: Theoretical evaluation by numerical simulation. Jpn Circ J 2000;64:121-129.
1999 Naチャネル遮断薬ピルジカイニドの心房細動への影響 Namba T, Ashihara T, et al.: Effect of pilsicainide, a pure sodium channel blocker, on spiral waves during atrial fibrillation: Theoretical analysis by numerical simulation. J Electrocardiol 1999;32:321-334.

(Joint Research Projects [Others])

Since 2000 手書きによる電子カルテインタフェースに関する研究
Igarashi T, Ashihara T, et al.: An Interface for Electronic Patient Record Systems.