Call for Abstracts

Abstract Submission has been closed. Thank you for your submission.

Abstract Submission: August 21 - October 22, 2018 October 31, 2018

The 6th Biennial of the Asian Leksell Gamma Knife Society (ALGK) is cordially inviting all participants to submit abstracts at its upcoming biennial congress from Jan 18-20, 2019 in Sendai, Japan.

Accepted abstracts will have opportunity to be selected as oral presentation or poster display.

We invite you to submit your abstract before October 22, 2018. Authors can access the system to submit their abstract for Scientific Paper/Poster applications. By submitting the abstract, the authors grant permission to the organizing committee to publish the accepted abstract in the printing.

Abstract Criteria

  • All the subjects regarding the Gamma Knife radiosurgery will be welcome. Topics about Economical aspects and medical insurance system of Gamma Knife in each country are also welcome.
  • The abstract must meet high scientific criteria.
  • Please leave the theme adoption or rejection and the time distribution to the chairman.
  • Accepted abstracts will have opportunity to be selected as oral presentation or poster display.

Abstract submission & Preparation guidelines

  • All abstracts must be submitted using a template (Word file) by E-mail.
  • Detailed instruction is on the Template. Submitted abstract will be printed as it is. Please follow the instruction and check carefully before your submission.
  • The symposium will be held by the following four themes.

    • Evidence from Asia
    • How to use Icon? Which pathology? Frame or mask? Single fraction or multiple fractions? etc.
    • Long term efficacy and complication of Gamma Knife radiosurgery
    • Situation of Gamma Knife radiosurgery in my (your) country
  • For general oral sessions we accept the papers written in the wide varieties in relates to Gamma knife. The categories are as follows.

    • Vascular disorders
    • Benign tumors
    • Metastases
    • Malignant Tumors (except metastases)
    • Functional disorders
    • Diagnostic techniques (imaging)
    • Dose planning techniques
    • Physics, QA, QC
    • Nursing
    • Others
  • In case of any technical problems or questions about the submission, please contact at
  • The abstract must be typed in English and should not exceed 350 words, we recommend using Times New Roman 10-Point font to achieve a consistent look in the program.

Acceptance /Notification

  • Receipt of submissions will be acknowledged by secretariat via e-mail.
  • Authors will be notified of the acceptance of the abstract by the end of November via e-mail.


Please contact below for any questions or problems.


C/O Convex Inc.


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