CYTOLOGIA is waiting for submission from international students.

CYTOLOGIA is celebrating its 90th anniversary

Cytologia has introduced an online manuscript and review system called Editorial Manager®. This system facilitates the efficient editing of submitted manuscripts.
We are expecting your contribution to strengthen the “international information dissemination” ability of Cytologia. Please visit "Instructions to Authors
Cytologia is an academic journal in English that publishes original papers, reviews, focuses, and technical notes. Original papers have a length of six printed pages and can feature any original findings. “Cytologia Focus” papers are short reviews that partially focus on the articles published in Cytologia, “Technical Notes” are short reports of only two pages, with a color title page. We will offer you an honorarium for your contribution when it is accepted for publication as a “Technical Note.” The color title page also serves as the cover for the respective issue of Cytologia, while the issue will also feature other research that is representative of the aims of Cytologia and the latest topics in relevant subject areas. Please see the following three sites.

  1. CYTOLOGIA Back Numbers   1929-2024
  2. CYTOLOGIA Cover Photo Gallery   2002-2024

Cytologia has introduced Editorial Manager®. This system, which was adopted by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), is capable of rapid editing and publishing in addition to enabling a smooth submission process, and offering a polite and friendly review process on a universal platform. Cytologia has a focus on cytogenetics and cytology, karyotype analysis, genome science, phylogenetic classification, and ecological events. Please visit “Instructions to Authors” for details.
Cytologia, which was established in 1929, is the first specialized scientific journal published in Japan. It has recently focused on cytological analyses of endangered species in Asian countries, as well as molecular biology, and celebrates its 88th anniversary in 2017. It is possible to view all past issues, from the first (1929) to the current issue, at the JST archive site (J-STAGE). The recording of data for the Web of Science® (Clarivate Analytics PLC) began in 1949, and the latest impact factor (IF) for Cytologia is 1.027 (2021). Cytologia was published by the ISC from 1953 and the JMS from 1990. Publishing is supported by the Wada Kunkudukai Foundation and the Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results (JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 21HP2008).
Please refer to "Cytologia Editorial Board" for the editing structure of Cytologia.