BCG vaccine leads to long-term improvement in blood sugar levels in type 1 diabetes patients. Massachusetts General Hospital Press release. JUN | 21 | 2018
The MGH team’s findings set the stage for further testing of BCG administration, including the FDA-approved phase 2 study currently underway, testing multiple BCG doses in a large group of participants with longstanding type 1 diabetes. That trial is fully enrolled, and there are seven additional BCG clinical trial groups currently recruiting or enrolling at MGH, with a pediatric trial in the planning stages.
BCGワクチンが接種された1型糖尿病患者の長期追跡でHbA1c正常化が確認された Biotoday 2018-06-22
There’s Hope for a Vaccine to Prevent Type 1 Diabetes / Times
Old TB Vaccine Improves Diabetes Blood Sugar Levels / GEN
BCG vaccine leads to long-term blood sugar improvement in type 1 diabetes patients / Eurekalert
reduction in hyperglycemia in advanced type 1 diabetes: the value of
induced aerobic glycolysis with BCG vaccinations. npjVaccines.
Published: 21 June 2018
より若くして1型糖尿病と診断された人ほど早く死ぬ~心血管疾患も生じやすい BioTodayニュースレター 2018年8月13日
Early type 1 diabetes shortens women's lives by 18 years
Lancet: Early age of type 1 diabetes diagnosis linked to greater heart
risks and shorter life expectancy, compared to later diagnosis
Earlier Age at Type 1 Diabetes Diagnosis Tied to Greater CV and Mortality Risks
Age at type 1 diabetes onset: a new risk factor and call for focused treatment. Lancet. 11 August 2018
mortality and cardiovascular disease in young adults with type 1
diabetes in relation to age at onset: a nationwide, register-based
cohort study. Lancet. 11 August 2018
●糖尿病の膵島移植の画期的な方法を開発 課題をすべて克服し安全
●Lilly and Sigilon Therapeutics Announce Strategic Collaboration to Develop Encapsulated Cell Therapies for the Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes
●有病率が高い国はスカンディナビア半島のフィンランド、スウェーデン、ノルウェーや、カナダ。この中でもっとも高い数値が報告されたフィンランドがどれだけ発症率が高いかを、日本との比較で説明すると以下の通りになる(いずれも0歳から14歳の概算)。1型糖尿病の発症率の比較(10万人当たり)フィンランド 37.4人 日本 1.7人(世界の1型糖尿病の有病率の比較.糖尿病ネットワークより)
●2017年では,(10万人当たり)フィンランド 62.3人 日本 2.2人(スウェーデン42.0人,ノルウェー32.5人,カナダ25.9人)(Across the globe, IDF Diabetes Atlas 8th edition)
●Y. Onda S. Sugihara T. Ogata S. Yokoya T. Yokoyama N. Tajima. Incidence and prevalence of childhood‐onset Type 1 diabetes in Japan: the T1D study. Diabetic Medicine 2016;34:909-15.には以下のようにある。
In Japan, the incidence of childhood‐onset Type 1 diabetes for 2005–2010 was 2.3/100,000 persons, with the prevalence for 2005–2012 estimated as 13.5/100,000 persons.In contrast to the rest of the world where the incidence has increased in recent years, particularly among those aged < 5 years, no increase diabetes in incidence has been seen in Japan since 1998.
2018/8/2追記:一方,BCGの1型糖尿病に対する有効性の作用機序の考察に関係する(かもしれない)論文(検索式は("Insulin-Secreting Cells"[Mesh]) AND "Mycobacterium"[Mesh] )
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Invasion. PLoS One. 2016 Jan 11;11(1):e0146544. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0146544.
2: Pinna A, Masala S, Blasetti F, Maiore I, Cossu D, Paccagnini D, Mameli G, Sechi LA. Detection of serum antibodies cross-reacting with Mycobacterium avium
subspecies paratuberculosis and beta-cell antigen zinc transporter 8 homologouspeptides in patients with high-risk proliferative diabetic retinopathy. PLoS One.
2014 Sep 16;9(9):e107802. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0107802.
3: Masala S, Paccagnini D, Cossu D, Brezar V, Pacifico A, Ahmed N, Mallone R, Sechi LA. Antibodies recognizing Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis epitopes
cross-react with the beta-cell antigen ZnT8 in Sardinian type 1 diabetic patients. PLoS One. 2011;6(10):e26931. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0026931.