エーザイなど来春承認見込み アルツハイマー薬に暗雲 FDA諮問委、有効性に否定的  日本経済新聞 2020年11月7日
Update on FDA Advisory Committee’s Meeting on Aducanumab in Alzheimer’s Disease. Globenewswire November 06, 2020 20:15 ET | Source: Biogen Inc.
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. and TOKYO, Nov. 06, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Peripheral and Central Nervous System Drugs Advisory Committee voted 1 yes, 8 no and 2 uncertain on the question, “Does Study 302 (EMERGE), viewed independently and without regard for Study 301 (ENGAGE), provide strong evidence that supports the effectiveness of aducanumab for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease?”. The Advisory Committee also voted 0 yes, 7 no and 4 uncertain on the question, “Does Study 103 (PRIME) provide supportive evidence of the effectiveness of aducanumab for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease?”, and 5 yes, 0 no and 6 uncertain on the question, “Has the Applicant presented strong evidence of a pharmacodynamic effect of aducanumab on Alzheimer’s disease pathophysiology?”. Finally, the Advisory Committee voted 0 yes, 10 no and 1 uncertain on the question, “In light of the understanding provided by the exploratory analyses of Study 301 and Study 302, along with the results of Study 103 and evidence of a pharmacodynamic effect on Alzheimer’s disease pathophysiology, it is reasonable to consider Study 302 as primary evidence of effectiveness of aducanumab for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease?”

“Biogen thanks the many patients and advocates who shared their personal thoughts and experience at today’s Advisory Committee meeting, reflecting the significant unmet need for a treatment for Alzheimer’s,” said Michel Vounatsos, Chief Executive Officer at Biogen. “We appreciated the opportunity to share our data with the Advisory Committee, and we will continue to work with the FDA as it completes its review of our application.”
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