The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Therapy


Call for Paper and Travel Grant

Submission due date:
August 28, 2024 (until noon)
Noon, Wednesday, September 25, 2024 (JST)

Call for Papers

JSPEN2025 encourages submission of abstracts widely from abroad.

  • You must create your abstract and make your presentation in English.
  • Please download Microsoft Word format below, fill in required fields and submit it to the meeting secretariat via email (
  • For specification such as word limitation, please see the information on the abstract submission form.
  • Please choose your presentation method from oral/poster/either, but please note
    that you may be allocated to a presentation session that may not meet your preference.
  • All abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee.
    If your abstract is accepted and asked to present during the annual meeting,
    please make your participation registration at your own expense.

Abstract submission form

Travel Grant application

  • Maximum of 10 applicants with outstanding abstracts will be selected and receive 100,000 JPY as travel grant.
    *If your total expense (airfare, accommodation, congress participation fee, etc.) exceeds the amount, you are responsible to pay the extra at your own cost.
  • Applicant must be under the age of 45 at the time of their presentation date.
  • If you wish to apply, please specify that you wish to apply for the travel grant by checking the box on top of the abstract submission form.

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (COI)

All the presenter must disclose their COI status to present in the meeting.
Please download the Microsoft Word file below, fill in the required fields and submit it
to the meeting secretariat ( with your abstract data.

COI disclosure

Ethical reviews

The following types of research do not require ethical review:

  • Basic research using animal experiments or publicly available cells.
  • Case reports of non-research nature, which are a compilation of 9 cases or less.
    Note 1: If the research is of a research nature, a review is required even if there are nine or fewer cases.
    Note 2: Basically, the patient's consent is required even if the report is published as a non-research case report of 9 cases or less.
  • Research based on laws and regulations
  • Research using samples and information that have already been established as having academic value, are widely used for research purposes, and are available to the general public.
  • Research using samples/information that has already been anonymized. However, data analysis is excluded.
  • Research using anonymized or de-identified processed information that has already been created.
  • Research using only articles, publicly available databases, or guidelines.
  • Research that does not aim to obtain knowledge that contributes to the maintenance and promotion of health or to the prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of injury or disease.
    (Examples): (i) Research on efforts to improve the rate of medical examinations.
           (ii) Research related to improving the skills and education of physicians.
  • Research conducted overseas (excluding research conducted in Japan). However, the regulations of the country in which the research is conducted must be observed.
  • Research on microbiological analysis of bacteria, molds, viruses, etc. isolated from the human body, and not research related to human health.
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