
主な研究プロジェクトの紹介 (Main Research Projects)

2018 ExTRa Mapping ガイド下による非発作性心房細動アブレーション Sakata T, Ashihara T, et al.: Not all rotors, effective ablation targets for nonparoxysmal atrial fibrillation, are included in areas suggested by conventional indirect indicators of atrial fibrillation drivers: ExTRa Mapping project. J Arrhythm 2018;34:Online. [Online Supplemental Movies are also available on this web site]
2012 非発作性心房細動におけるCFAEとCFAE標的アブレーションのメカニズム Ashihara T, et al.: The role of fibroblasts in complex fractionated electrograms during persistent/permanent atrial fibrillation: Implications for electrogram-based catheter ablation. Circ Res 2012;110:275-284. [Online Supplemental Movies]
2008 心室細動誘発におけるトンネル伝導仮説:二相性ショックの優位性と等電位時間の成因 Ashihara T, Constantino J, and Trayanova NA: Tunnel propagation of postshock activations as a unified hypothesis for fibrillation induction and isoelectric window. Circ Res 2008;102:737-745. [Online Supplemental Movies]
2005 電気ショックによる細胞・組織反応 Ashihara T and Trayanova NA: Cell and tissue responses to electric shocks. Europace 2005;7(Suppl.2):155-165.
2005 Naチャネル遮断による心室受攻性増悪のメカニズム Yao T, Ashihara T, et al.: Refractory gradient is responsible for the increase in ventricular vulnerability under sodium channel blockade. Circ J 2005;69:345-353. --Cover--
2004 電気ショックによる膜電位変化の非線形性・非対称性メカニズム Ashihara T and Trayanova NA: Asymmetry in membrane responses to electric shocks: Insights from bidomain simulations. Biophys J 2004;87:2271-2282.
2004 細胞外点刺激による細動の制御メカニズム Ashihara T, et al.: Spiral wave control by a localized stimulus: A bidomain model study. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 2004;15:226-233.
2004 細動における心筋捕捉と時間的興奮間隙のメカニズム Ashihara T, et al.: Mechanisms of myocardial capture and temporal excitable gap during spiral wave reentry in a bidomain model. Circulation 2004;109:920-925.
2003 電気ショックによる心室細動誘発メカニズムにおける心室渦巻線維構造の役割 Ashihara T, et al.: Vortex cordis as a mechanism of postshock activation: Arrhythmia induction study using a bidomain model. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 2003;14:295-302.
2002 発作性心房細動における交感神経と迷走神経の影響の違い Ashihara T, et al.: Differences in sympathetic and vagal effects on paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: A simulation study. Biomed Pharmacother 2002;56(Suppl.2):359s-363s.
2002 心室頻拍から心室細動への移行メカニズムにおける後脱分極の役割 Ashihara T, et al.: Afterdepolarizations promote the transition from ventricular tachycardia to fibrillation in a three-dimensional model of cardiac tissue. Circ J 2002;66:505-510.
2001 電気的除細動メカニズムにおける細胞膜電気穿孔現象の役割 Ashihara T, et al.: Electroporation in a model of cardiac defibrillation. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 2001;12:1393-1403.
2001 心室細動の3次元興奮伝播様式における心筋線維ねじれ構造の影響 Ashihara T, et al.: Breakthrough waves during ventricular fibrillation depend on the degree of rotational anisotropy and the boundary conditions: A simulation study. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 2001;12:312-322.
1999 心室細動における3次元興奮伝播様式と旋回中心フィラメント動態 Ashihara T, et al.: The dynamics of vortex-like reentry wave filaments in three-dimensional computer models. J Electrocardiol 1999;32(Suppl):129-138.