From Bodo to Svartis (1)
The distance of Bodo and Svartis is approximately 130km. It
takes approximately 3 hours, as the rout is winding. The landscape
was also beautiful and diverse. There is some public transportation
by bus, but there are only a few per day. So, driving is the best
option to reach there. Another option is reach there by sea, such as
Hurtigruten (Coastal steamers). Taking northbound Hurtigruten from
Trondheim, and use the optional tour arranged by Hurtigruten would be
the most easist way to reach there.
Saltstraumen, a big maelstram near Bodo.
However, I thought maelstram at Naruto, Japan was bigger.
A big water fall without a name.
This edible herb is very popular in Japan, with a name "Zenmai" (coil spring).
A small village with a green meadow.
Last updated 2000/10/03
Copyright (C) 2000, Takashi Murata, All rights reserved