

真柳 誠

The British Library (the national library of the United Kingdom)

       The new British Library building, built next to the neo-Gothic St.Pancras railway station (seen in right of picture), was completed in 1996 and houses nearly 12 million volumes in four levels of basements.

     Oriental and India Office (96 Euston Road, London NW1 2DBUnited Kingdom, Tel. +44 (0)20 7412 7873, Fax: +44 (0)20 7412 7641, Email: oioc-enquiries@bl.uk)
      The Oriental and India Office Collections of the British Library were brought together in 1991. The new department has taken over, from the old Department of Oriental Manuscripts and Printed Books, responsibility for the British Library's holdings in the languages of Asia and of north and north-east Africa covering the humanities and social and political sciences. The collections of the India Office Library and Records reflect the territorial interests and activities of the East India Company and the India Office, and include literature and documents on India, Pakistan, Burma, Bangladesh and neighbouring countries, Iran and the Gulf states, South Africa, St Helena, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, China and Japan.(スタイン文書以外の漢籍・国書は川瀬一馬・岡崎久司『大英図書館所蔵和漢書総目録』、講談社、1996に載る)


Collection History (International Dunhuang Project News No. 12 Winter 1998-99より引用 )
     The British Library's Aurel Stein (1862-1943) collections have a complicated history resulting from the economics of exploration and the division of artefacts collected by Stein on his first three Central Asian expeditions to Chinese Turkestan. Financial support offered by the Trustees of the British Museum and by the Government of India was acknowledged in a division of his finds made largely on the basis of language, style and type. All the material was first sent back to London for division between the British Museum (various departments) and the Government of India. The latter materials were divided between the National Museum in Delhi (3D materials, wall-paintings and some graphic works), and the India Office Library (textual materials, mainly in Sanskrit and Tibetan). The division, particularly of textual material, was further complicated by the fact that many documents had inscriptions in different languages on recto and verso. When the British Library was founded in 1973, textual material from the Stein collection mainly in Chinese but including documents in Tibetan, Sanskrit, Kharoshti script, Khotanese, Uighur and Turkic was transferred from the British Museum's Department of Oriental Manuscripts and Printed Books. In 1982, the India Office Library (IOL) was transferred from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to the British Library, joining the Oriental Collections (Or.) to form the Oriental and India Office Collections. The transfer included collections of materials mainly in Tibetan and Sanskrit but also including some Chinese, Khotanese and Kharoshti script material, collected on Stein's first three Central Asian expeditions which had been lodged with the India Office. The collections are therefore numbered with the prefix 'Or.' or 'IOL' to show their origin. Within the 'IOL' prefix, they are categorised according to language (IOL San, IOL Khot, IOL Tib etc.), and within the 'Or' prefix, according to expedition number (1st exp.: Or.8211; 2nd exp. Or.8210; 3rd exp. Or.8212), but manuscripts have not always been assigned correctly. The database of the Stein collection is available on the web (http://idp.bl.uk) and contains this number as well as expedition number and languages of the documents so that any incorrect categorisations can be clarified. There is also a small group of photographs of artefacts collected on Stein's Fourth Central Asian Expedition of which the originals are now lost. Also included with the Stein material in the British Library collections are fragments, scrolls and woodslips etc in the above languages collected among others.

Collection Description
 元はBritish Museum大英博物館に収められたが、1973年に大英図書館が分離し、そこに移管された。文書はDr Lionel Gilesが整理してS.1からS.6980までを1957年に目録として出版。現在は日本・台湾・大陸の研究者により、1992年までにS.13624まで目録化されている

c. 14,000 scrolls and fragments from Dunhuang, Cave 17 (2nd & 3rd expeditions)
c. 1000+ fragments on paper from other sites including Chinese on Tibetan c.500
c. 3000 woodslips, fragments and shavings

Tangut  c. 4000 fragments on paper

Khotanese  c. 50 scrolls c. 1600 paper fragments c. 100 woodslips

Tibetan  c. 1400 fragments on papers c. 2300 woodslips

Kuchean  c.300

Sogdian  c. 50

Uighur  c.100

Eastern Turkic/Runic Turkic  c. 9

Sanskrit/Prakrit, inc. Brahmi & Kharosthi scripts  c. 1500

Mongolian 26

      These are approximate categories only. Some of the manuscripts contain more than one language and some are indecipherable. There are manuscripts on birchbark, leather and other materials. The Stein Collection also includes a few paintings on silk and paper, and various artefacts such as sutra wrappers, paper cuts, and paste brushes. The British Library Prints and Drawings Department has a collection of 11,000 prints, negatives and lantern slides taken by Stein in India, Pakistan Chinese Central Asia, Iran, Iraq and Jordan from 1890s to 1938. (以上は大英図書館のホームページhttp://www.bl.uk/より引用)








・馬継興「唐人写絵灸法図残巻考」『文物』6期、1964(郭靄春主編『中国針灸薈萃・第2分冊 現存針灸医籍』、長沙・湖南科学技術出版社、1985に転録)



・小曽戸洋「敦煌文書中の医薬文献(その2) スタイン文書」『現代東洋医学』7巻3号87-93頁、1986(『中国医学古典と日本』第5章、東京・塙書房、1996に転録)














・S.76 『食療本草』残巻:薬名・又・又方を朱書

・S.202 原『傷寒論』「弁脈法」残巻

・S.1467R 失名医方書

・S.1467V 失名医方書

・S.2438 道家医方書

・S.3347 『備急単験薬方』残巻(残巻上部がS.9987A、右下がS.3395、左下がS.3347、という形状に綴合する。本書は『本草和名』『医心方』所引の『龍門(百八)方』(隋以前?)および龍門薬方洞碑文(唐代?)と相似し、それらのルーツ系統らしい)

・S.3395 『備急単験薬方』残巻、人相書

・S.4329V 失名医方書

・S.4433 失名房中書

・S.4534 『新修本草』残巻(巻18末尾・巻19頭部と巻17〔栗条末尾〜梅実条途中、S.9434と綴合〕)

・S.5435 失名医方書

・S.5614 『張仲景五蔵論』3葉、以下『平脈略例』4葉

・S.5737 『灸経明堂』残巻

・S.5795 失名辟穀医方書残巻

・S.5901 某僧乞請某大徳賜薬草状

・S.5968 類本草序例残巻

・S.6030 陵陽禁方残巻 陰陽方術書

・S.6052 失名医方書

・S.6084 失名医方書目録

・S.6168 灸経図(S.6262と綴合する)

・S.6177V 失名医方書

・S.6245V 『平脈略例』残巻(S.6245V・S.9431V・S.9443・S.8289の順で綴合する)

・S.6262 灸経図

・S.8289 『平脈略例』、脈書

・S.9431V 『平脈略例』残巻

・S.9434V 『新修本草』巻17(梅実条)残巻(1994年に栄新江が指摘)

・S.9443 『平脈略例』残巻

・S.9517 失名医方書(存3行)

・S.9936 療服石方

・S.9987A 『備急単験薬方』残巻

・S.9987B2V 『備急単験薬方』(巻1)残巻

・S.10527V 脈書残巻

・S.11363V 療服石方

・S.11414 薬方残片(存1行)
