Date | Series namei# of indiv. textsj | Genre of Japanese medicineF# of books |
1913 | Z桊Λ{pLiuyiguan Yiyao Congshu (22) | Commentary on Textual medical scholars: 2 |
1915 | ΖpYiyao Congshu (56) | iNatural medicine: 1j |
1923 | OOΏSansan Yishu (99) | Textual medical scholars: 2@Others: 1@Kohó: 5 |
1928 | Λ{pYaoan Yixue Congshu (22) | Commentary on Textual medical scholars: 1 |
1929 | {ΏRiben Hanyi Shanghan Mingzhu Heke (2) | Textual medical scholars: 2 |
1931 | ΏpGuoyi Xiaocongshu (34) | Others: 2@Kohó: 1 |
1931 | Λ{pHeshi Yixue Congshu (4) | Textual medical scholars: 2 @Commentary on Textual medical scholars: 1 |
1936 | cΛ{pHuanghan Yixue Congshu (72) | Text-med.: 16@ Others: 26@ Kohó: 16@Acu-moxi: 3 |
1936 | {ΏWZhenben Yishu Jicheng (90) | iKampó: 2 Nat. Medicine: 5 Acu-moxi: 1@History: 3j |
1936 | Λ{听 Zhongguo Yixue Dacheng (134) | Others: 1@ |
1937 | Ö{Λ{p Guben Yixue Conggan (2) | Text-med.: 1 Commentary on Text. medical scholars: 1@Others: 1@ Kohó: 2@History: 1 Acu-moxi: 1 |