Schedule: 20th August  

Timetable / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / Poster(Room B1) / Poster(Room B2)

  Chairperson: Alan Baddeley & Robert H. Logie
9:00 Randi C. Martin Semantic short-term memory impairment: The role of code-specific deficits in inhibition
9:25 Bart Rypma Neural mechanisms of individual differences in working memory performance: Effects of age and processing speed
9:50 Marcia K. Johnson Refreshing a just perceived item: Characterizing a component of reflective cognition
10:15 Coffee Break
10:45 Ian Neath /
Aimee Surprenant
Accounting for age-related declines in working memory using the Feature Model
11:10 Robert H. Logie Encoding and retrieval under dual task conditions in healthy ageing, and in Alzheimer's Disease
11:25 Discussion
11:50 Closing Remark (Robert H. Logie)



Japan Society for Working Memory: JSWM, 2004