Schedule: 17th August  

Timetable / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / Poster(Room B1) / Poster(Room B2)

9:00 Opening Remark (Naoyuki Osaka)
  Chairperson: Graham J. Hitch & Satoru Saito
9:15 Stephan Lewandowsky Encoding time and short-term serial recall

Mike Page /
Dennis Norris

A structural account of the relationship between immediate serial recall, the Hebb effect, and the learning of phonological word-forms
10:05 Marie Poirier Is there a vocal similarity effect on serial recall over the short-term?
10:30 Coffee Break
10:55 Gerry Tehan Word length and phonological similarity effects in immediate, delayed and complex backward span tasks
11:20 Satoru Saito The independence of phonological and visual similarity in serial ordered recall: Evidence from Kanji
11:45 Graham J. Hitch Immediate memory for sequences in the visual domain
12:10 Discussion
12:40 Lunch Time
  Chairperson: Meredyth Daneman & Akira Miyake
13:50 David Pearson Mental image manipulation and transformational complexity in visuo-spatial working memory
14:15 Gerry Quinn Interference effects and the structure of visual working memory
14:40 Edward Vogel Neural activity predicts individual differences in visual working memory capacity
15:05 Naoyuki Osaka Individual differences in working memory under “theory of mind” task: An fMRI study
15:30 Tea Time
15:55 Chris Jarrold The effects of storage load on processing efficiency in working memory: Evidence from verbal and visuo-spatial complex span tasks
16:20 Pierre Barrouillet /
Valérie Camos
The Time-Based Resource-Sharing model
16:45 Akira Miyake Individual differences in working memory: What do working memory span test really measure?


Meredyth Daneman /
Brenda Hannon
What do working memory span tasks like reading span really measure?
17:35 Discussion
18:00 Opening Reception (Room "Swan", 1F)



Japan Society for Working Memory: JSWM, 2004