- SHIBASAKI, Koji (Gunma University)
- “Analysis of a novel focal spot glia assembly inducing excitation.”
- BITO, Haruhiko (The University of Tokyo)
- “Simultaneous visualization of activities of glia and neuron using a novel calcium probe.”
- BANNAI, Hiroko (Nagoya University)
- “Elucidation of evolutional meanings of glial calcium signaling.”
- SAKISAKA, Toshiaki (Kobe University)
- “Mechanism of myelin formation by cell membrane transportation and reorganization of cytoskeleton.”
- HIASA, Miki (Okayama University)
- “Identification of a novel vesicular D-serine transporter and elucidation of its physiological meaning in chemical transmission.”
- KAKEGAWA, Wataru (Keio University)
- “Elucidation of a novel glia-neuron interaction via D-serine-delta 2 receptor.”
- MIYATA, Shingo (Kinki University)
- “Elucidation of mechanism of intracellular and intercellular signal transduction associated with regulation of axonal function by myelin.”
- HIRASE, Hajime (RIKEN)
- “Role of astrocyte in synaptic plasticity in cortical circuit in vivo.”
- MATSUI, Ko (Tohoku University)
- “Revealing the role of astrocytes in memory formation using optogenetics.”
- BITO, Haruhiko (The University of Tokyo)
- “Deciphering dynamic interactions between glial and neuronal activities visualized using multiple-color genetically-encoded calcium indicators.”
- MORI, Ikue (Nagoya University)
- “Regulation of neurons and neural circuits by glial cells.”
- KINOSHITA, Makoto (Nagoya University)
- “Analysis of physiological role and pathological implications of the CDC42EP4/septin complex in radial glial processes.”
- UENO, Taro (Toho University)
- “Glial control of sleep/wake and circadian rhythms.”
- IMAYOSHI, Itaru (Kyoto University)
- “Regulation of differentiation of oligodendroglial progenitor cell by a novel optogenetics and its application for regenerative medicine.”
- BABA, Hiroko (Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences)
- “Functional analysis of microglia during development of neural circuit.”
- TAKEI, Kohtaro (Yokohama City University)
- “Axon growth mechanism by regulation of molecular interaction between neuron and oligodendrocyte.”
- OHMI, Yuhsuke (Chubu University)
- “Glycolipid-enriched microdomain/rafts in glial networks.”
- WAKE, Hiroaki (Kobe University)
- “Microglia enhance synapse activity to promote local synchronized network.”
- KOYAMA, Ryuta (The University of Tokyo)
- “Deficits in microglial synaptic engulfment in autism spectrum disorders.”
- IMAI, Hiroo (Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University)
- “Development of non-human primate models for glia assembly.”
- MATSUI, Ko (Tohoku University)
- “Development of avoidance system of ischemic brain injury by optical regulation of glia.”
- KOYAMA, Ryuta (The University of Tokyo)
- “Dysfunction of microglia-dependent synapse pruning system in autistic spectrum disorder and treatment by BDNF.”
- IKEUCHI, Takeshi (Niigata University)
- “Aberrant function of microglia in CSF-1R mutation-associated HDLS.”
- TAKARADA, Takeshi (Kanazawa University)
- “Elucidation of mechanism of “mind-pain” association, focused on glial network regulation by biological clock.”
- IMAI, Hiroo (Kyoto University)
- “Trial of identification and breeding of glial network primate model by gene-targeting method.”
- YASUI, Masato (Keio University)
- “The role of aquaporin 4 in glia of the spinal cord and dorsal root ganglia and pathophysiology of neuropathic pain.”
- “Role of brain specific branched 0-mannosyl glycans in glia assembly.”
- YAMAUCHI, Junji (National Center for Child Health and Development)
- “Trial to ameliorate pathological condition of demyelination disease by suppression of molecular cascade specifically activated in the disease.”
- IKEDA, Masashi (Fujita Health University)
- “Association analysis of glial genes and schizophrenia, based on whole genome SNA data.”
- TACHIKAWA, Masanori (Tohoku University)
- “Astrocyte-vascular functional coupling in epilepsy.”
- IKEUCHI, Takeshi (Niigata University)
- “Dissecting the association between microglial dysfunction due to CSF1 receptor mutation and pathogenesis of primary microgliopathy.”
- TAKARADA, Takeshi (Okayama University)
- “Analysis on molecular mechanisms underlying the relevance between mentality and pain by focusing on glial network regulation mediated by biological clock.”
- YAMANAKA, Koji (Nagoya University)
- “Glia-immune communication in neurodegenerative diseases.”
- NAKANISHI, Hiroshi (Kyushu University)
- “Possible role of diurnal microglial specific gene expression and dynamic behavior of microglia in the pathogenesis of neuropsychiatric disorders.”
- NISHIYAMA, Masaki (Kyushu University)
- “Regulation of glial function in a new mouse model of autism.”
- MIYATA, Mariko (Tokyo Women’s Medical University)
- “Microglial function underlies nerve injury-induced synaptic remodeling.”
- NUKINA, Nobuyuki (Doshisha University)
- “The study on the oligodendroglial assembly in the unmyelinated fibers.”