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パネルディスカッション 第2部:医療の最前線におけるデジタル画像の活用とその色処理


司会 西堀 眞弘

The 1st Symposium of the 'Color' of Digital Imaging in Medicine

Panel Discussion Part 2 :
Digital Imaging and Its Color Management in the Medical Forefront

Overall Oral Discussions

Chairperson : Masahiro NISHIBORI
Clinical Laboratory, Tokyo Medical and Dental University Medical Hospital

summary of oral discussions

[フロア] デジタルカメラは精度が到底フィルムに及ばないので、皮膚の撮影には向かないのではないか。
[from the floor] The quality of pictures taken by digital cameras is far poorer than that of film cameras. They are not considered to be suitable for recording images of dermatology.
[パネリスト] 撮影した画像がすぐ確認できるメリットが大きいので、精度が許す範囲で使っている。
[panelists] This comment may be right, but with digital cameras, taken pictures can be immediately monitored. For some purposes, this merit may be preferred to the image quality.
[フロア] 実際には著しく劣っており、カメラの内部で無理やり補正して何とか見られるようにしているのが実情である。
[from the floor] Indeed, the original performance of digital cameras is very poor, and intensive compensation which is artificially made on taken images is indispensable for them to produce pictures of certain quality.
[司会] 色の再現性に関する各界の現状認識と見通しはどうか
[from the chair] Is the problem of color reproduction of medical images well recognized in each field? What is the prospect of the problem?
[パネリスト] 色関連の規格がメーカーごとに違うことが問題。我々の側からどんどん改善を求めていく必要がある。
[panelists] The essential problem is that there is no compatibility in technological specifications about color among commercial products. We must powerfully request manufacturers to improve this situation.
[パネリスト] 看護分野はまだこれからであるが、重要性を積極的にアピールすべき段階である。
[panelists] Recognition of the problem in nursing is not enough yet and we have to begin promoting it now.
[パネリスト] 皮膚科では早くから問題が表面化しているので、現在学会でうるさく訴えているところである。
[panelists] This problem has been well experienced in dermatology, so a lot of discussions are made on it at the academic conference.
[パネリスト] 脳外科では色の見え方が治療に直接かかわるので、特に血の色などリアルでないと困るが、現実問題としては今手に入る道具でやらざるをえない面もある。
[panelists] In neurosurgery, erroneous appearance in color may directly affect the treatment, especially realistic color of blood is very important. But in reality, we have no other choice than adopting currently available equipment.
[パネリスト] 法医学では中毒等の時に特に色が大切になるが、議論はこれからである。このシンポジウムが主導権をとって例えば「赤はこの色」などと決めていただきたい。
[panelists] In legal medicine, though the color problem is considered to arise in the case of toxicosis, only little discussion has been held yet about it. This symposium should take the initiative to establish some rules, for example, what the technological specification of red color is.
[パネリスト] 病理は染色技術を駆使した組織診断が中心となっているので、色自体は現状でもよい。いいものがあればいいが、メーカーにはむしろ性能の安定した安価で使いやすく汎用性のある製品を望んでいる。
[panelists] Microscopic pathology, which becomes the mainstream of pathology, relies on color made of various stains, so current quality of color reproduction may be acceptable. We expect stable, reasonable, easy to use and flexible products rather than supreme performance.
[パネリスト] 耳鼻科では今までは色が問題になることは少なかったが、動画等に利用分野が広がれば重要性が増してくるだろう。
[panelists] In otorhinolaryngology, we have experienced only few problems related to color, but as application of digital imaging spreads to the movies, the importance of color will become larger.