別に寝相が悪いことを話題にしようというわけではない。citationを増やすことによって、インパクトファクターを稼ぐことに熱心な研究者が、Onlie-open journalの出版社の強力なサポーターになっている現代の世相は、すでに10年近く前から予見されていた。でも、当時はまだ、発足したてのBioMedCentralが、これほどまでに隆盛を極めるとは誰も思っていなかった。


Visibility of research: FUTON bias The Lancet, Volume 360, Issue 9341, Page 1256, 19 October 2002

This bias I propose to call FUTON (Full Text On the Net) bias. It will not affect researchers who are used to comprehensive searches of published medical studies, but it does affect staff and students with limited experience in doing searches. This bias may have the same effect in daily clinical practice as publication bias1 or language bias2 when doing systematic reviews of published studies.
I also believe that the FUTON bias will affect the standing of medical journals, since full-text journals on the internet are more visible and may be cited more frequently in the future than the traditional print journals. Publishers of medical journals should feel encouraged to make the content of their journals available as full text to avoid losing out to their competitors.
This trend will gain further strength if the journals that make preprints available on the internet or publish internet-only versions of reports are taken into account.
