The Second Generation of Laboratory Automaton System

The Second Generation of Laboratory Automaton System
Yosuke Sugioka,Hironori Shimosaka,Yoshimi Hatayama,Fumiko Mashige,Kazuhiko Nakahara
Clinical Laboratory of Tokyo University Hospital

For effectiveness, rapidness and labor saving,Division of Clinical Laboratory in the Tokyo University
Hospital has renewed the Laboratory Automation System(LAS) to the second generation .
In this system, we have three major improved points. Automatic robotic cars connect each unit,
making it possible to renew the unit with ease in future and to give labor's space. For more labor saving,
automated supplies of consumption articles and automated re-centrifuge for samples with fibrin are available.
Through making a waiting space at the entrance of each unit, emergent samples are analyzed with priority
and sample stagnation is avoided.
Our L AS contains of the following units.
1,Total Blood Collection System: The automatic preparation system supplies blood collection tubes according
to the individual patient's order. After taking blood samples medical technologists are able to put those tubes
on the transfer line immediately and blood tests can start without loss of time.2,Sorting Line: The line is the
entrance to all of the laboratory automation system.3,Hematology Line: This line consists of two kinds of instruments,
the automatic blood cell counters and the automatic hemogram readers. The samples that are tested by
automatic blood cell counters are distributed to individual task according to the necessity.4,Coagulation Line
: After 20 minutes waiting for testing, the sample with abnormal data is retested by another analyzer automatically
and delta check between two analyzers is conducted.5,Blood Sugar Line: This line connected HbA1c by HPLC
method and blood sugar testing by electrode method.6,Chemistry and Immunology Line: This line is connected
to two major automatic analyzers and automated supplies of consumption articles and automated re-centrifuge for
samples with fibrin are available as mentioned above.7,Urinalysis Line: Since outpatients can put their cup on the
transfer line directly by themselves.
The LAS makes it possible to finish testing before clinical interview for all outpatients. The laboratory automation
comprehensively handles the process from order reception to data reporting, maximizing the efficiency of
testing through systematization, thus improving the safety and efficiency of the laboratory and contributing to
patients and doctors.

  • samary

    SLIDE 2
  • The Second Generation of Laboratory Automaton System

    SLIDE 3BR>
  • Automatic Robotic Car

    SLIDE 4
  • Turn around time

    SLIDE 5
  • Turn around time 2

    SLIDE 6
  • Blood collection room

    SLIDE 7
  • Blood collection room 2

    SLIDE 8
  • Chemistry Immunology line

    SLIDE 9
  • Automated supplies of consumption

    SLIDE 10
  • Auto-recentrifuge Fibrin clotting Sample

    SLIDE 11
  • Urin line

    SLIDE 12
  • Outpatient Urin Sample Input Unit

    SLIDE 13
  • Automated Urin Discard Unit

    SLIDE 14
  • Blood Sugar Line

    SLIDE 15
  • Sorting Line

    SLIDE 16
  • Hematology Line

    SLIDE 17
  • CoagulationLine

    SLIDE 18
  • Oonclusion