Vol.82,  No.3  (June 2017)

Sakamoto, Y. and Matsunaga, S.
Technical note: Deep Imaging of Plant Roots by a Rapid Transparency Technique TOMEI .....221-222
Hoshino, A., Matsunaga, T. M., Sakamoto, T. and Matsunaga, S.
Cytologia Focus: Hi-C Revolution: From a Snapshot of DNA–DNA Interaction in a Single Cell to Chromosome-Scale De Novo Genome Assembly .....223-226
Pinthong, K., Tanomtong, A., Khongcharoensuk, H., Chaiphech, S., Rattanayuvakorn, S. and Supanuam, P.
Karyotype and Idiogram of Indian Hog Deer (Hyelaphus porcinus) by Conventional Staining, GTG-, High-Resolution and Ag-NOR Banding Techniques .....227-233
Saggoo, M. I. S., Nawchoo, I. A. and Akhter, A.
Meiotic Irregularities in Lavatera cachemiriana, an Endemic, Endangered and Ethnomedicinal Herb of Kashmir Himalaya .....235-239
Venkatesh, K. H.
Karyotype and Stomatal Studies on Three Genotypes of Morus spp. .....241-244
Singhal, V. K., Tantray, Y. R., Kaur, D. and Gupta, R. C.
First Report of Intraspecific Polyploidy (2x, 4x) in Physochlaina praealta (Decne.) Miers. (Family: Solanaceae) .....245-250
Ohtsu, M., Kurihara, D., Sato, Y., Suzaki, T., Kawaguchi, M., Maruyama, D. and Higashiyama, T.
Fluorescent Labeling of the Cyst Nematode Heterodera glycines in Deep-Tissue Live Imaging .....251-259
Okamura, E., Sakamoto, T., Sasaki, T. and Matsunaga, S.
A Plant Ancestral Polo-Like Kinase Sheds Light on the Mystery of the Evolutionary Disappearance of Polo-Like Kinases in the Plant Kingdom .....261-266
Ghosh, B., Datta, A. K., Pramanik, A., Kumbhakar, D. V., Das, D., Paul, R. and Biswas, J.
Mutagenic Effectivity of Cadmium Sulphide and Copper Oxide Nanoparticles on Some Physiological and Cytological Attributes of Lathyrus sativus L. .....267-271
Himshikha, Gupta, R. C., Kumar, R. and Singhal, V. K.
Cytomixis and Intraspecific Polyploidy (2x, 4x) in Inula grandiflora Willd. from Malana Valley, Kullu District, Himachal Pradesh .....273-278
Çavuşoğlu, K., Cadıl, S. and Çavuşoğlu, D.
Role of Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) in Alleviation of Detrimental Effects of Salt Stress on Some Physiological and Cytogenetical Parameters in Allium cepa L. .....279-286
Chaudhary, N. and Kumar, G.
Cytogenetical Study of Induced Desynaptic Variants in Phaseolus vulgaris L. .....287-291
Kumbhakar, D. V., Datta, A. K., Das, D., Gupta, S., Saha, A., Ghosh, B. and Pramanik, A.
Cadmium Sulphide Nanoparticles Induced Desynapsis in Nigella sativa L. (Black Cumin): A Pioneer Report .....293-296
Liébana, C., Torres, L. and Ordóñez, A.
Cytogenetic Characterization of Three Populations of Hedeoma multiflorum Benth. (Lamiaceae) Native from Córdoba, Argentina .....297-301
Sugiyama, R.
Capsaicinoids Production and Accumulation in Epidermal Cells on the Internal Side of the Fruit Pericarp in ‘Bhut Jolokia’ (Capsicum chinense) .....303-306
Shibata, F., Hizume, M., Ohashi, H. and Furukawa, S.
An Event Preceding Genome Differentiation in the A Genome Populations of Scilla scilloides .....307-316
Matsuzaki, M., Tatsumi, R. and Kita, K.
Protoplast Generation from the Ascofuranone-Producing Fungus Acremonium sclerotigenum .....317-320
Hoshi, Y., Azumatani, M., Suyama, C. and Adamec, L.
Determination of Ploidy Level and Nuclear DNA Content in the Droseraceae by Flow Cytometry .....321-327
Chung, K.-S., Hoshino, T., Masaki, T. and Im, H.-T.
Cytological Investigations on Eight Carex Species in Korea (Cyperaceae) .....329-334

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