Vol.81,  No.2  (June 2016)

Inada, N.
Technical note:  Visualization of Host Actin Microfilament Dynamicity upon Obligate Biotrophic Pathogen Infection ..... 119-120
Hirakawa, T. and Matsunaga, S.
Cytologia focus:  Cytologia focus: Chromatin Tagging Systems Contribute to Live Imaging Analyses for Chromatin Dynamics ..... 121-123
Sattler, M. C., Carvalho, C. R. and Clarindo, W. R.
Regeneration of Allotriploid Coffea Plants from Tissue Culture: Resolving the Propagation Problems Promoted by Irregular Meiosis ..... 125-132
Ahmadi-Roshan, M., Karimzadeh, G., Babaei, A. and Jafari, H.
Karyological Studies of Fritillaria (Liliaceae) Species from Iran ..... 133-141
Chung, K.-S., Hoshino, T., Masaki, T., Yang, J. C. and Im, H.-T.
Cytological Studies on Seven Species of Korean Carex (Cyperaceae) ..... 143-147
Ahirwar, R. and Verma, R. C.
Ethyl Methane Sulphonate (EMS) Induced Translocation and Inversion Heterozygote in Allium cepa L. .....149-153
Kumar, P. and Singhal, V. K.
Morphological and Ecological Adaptations, and Cytological Studies in Astragalus rhizanthus Royle ex Benth. (Papilionaceae), an Endemic to Himalayas ..... 155-160
Rani, S., Chahota, R. K. and Sharma, T. R.
Cytomixis and Associated Meiotic Abnormalities during Male Meiosis in Angelica glauca Edgew. (Apiaceae) from North-Western Himalayas ..... 161-168
Nahar, K. K. and Alam, S. S.
Effects of Industrial Effluents on Chromosomes of Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott Collected from Five Different Affected Areas ..... 169-174
Walia, G. K., Gill, J. K. and Hallan, H. K.
C-Banding and Ag-NOR Staining on Neurobasis chinensis chinensis (Linnaeus) of Family Calopterygidae from Himachal Pradesh, India (Odonata: Zygoptera) ..... 175-178
Monkheang, P., Sudmoon, R., Tanee, T. and Chaveerach, A.
Differences in the Patterns of a Microsatellite Marker on Chromosomes in Four Allium Species ..... 179-181
Singhal, V. K., Singh, J., Kaur, S. and Kumar, R.
Chromosome Counts through Male Meiosis in Some Dicots from the Hills around Shimla, Himachal Pradesh ..... 183-188
Efe, İ. and Koca, S.
Acrida ungarica Herbst, 1786 (Acrididae: Orthoptera) Karyotype Analysis ..... 189-194
Wang, Y.-L., He, Z.-C., Ejder, E., Yang, J.-F. and Zhang, S.-Z.
Cytological Study of Tetraploid Species of Magnolia subgenus Yulania (Magnoliaceae) ..... 195-205
Çavuşoğlu, D., Tabur, S. and Çavuşoğlu, K.
Role of Ginkgo biloba L. Leaf Extract on Some Physiological and Cytogenetical Parameters in Allium cepa L. Seeds Exposed to Salt Stress ..... 207-213
Miyamura, S. and Nagumo, T.
Sex-Specific Cell Fusion Pattern of Isogametes in Marine Green Alga, Acetabularia caliculus (Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta)..... 215-219
Deshpande, A. S., Pagare, R. S., Gosavi, K. V. C. and Janarthanam, M. K.
Karyomorphological Analysis of Lepidagathis lutea (Acanthaceae): An Endemic Species from Western Ghats, India ..... 221-223
Mine, I., Yamasaki, T., Sekida, S. and Okuda, K.
Measurement of Cell Wall Thickness in the Giant-Celled Xanthophycean Alga Vaucheria frigida ..... 225-230
Martin, E., Altınordu, F., Güner, Ö. and Akçiçek, E.
Karyological Studies of Six Endemic Species of Stachys (Lamiaceae) Subsect. Fragiles from Turkey ..... 231-236
Iwasa, M. A., Iwai, H. and Kai, O.
Karyological Characterization of Laboratory Strains of Mongolian Gerbils Using Differential Staining Techniques ..... 237-242
Shimmen, T., Ogata, K., Yanagihara, N. and Yoshihisa, T.
Electrical Perception of “Death Message” in Chara: The Role of Turgor Pressure ..... 243-248

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