Attendance Registration / Sign-ups / Reservations
1. Meeting Attendance Registration
Members/non-members | Status | Advance registration fee | Same-day registration fee |
Members | Dentists and private-sector researchers | 17,000 yen | 20,000 yen |
Dentist’s office staff members | 13,000 yen | 16,000 yen | |
Graduate students | 9,000 yen | 11,000 yen | |
Non-members | Dentists and private-sector researchers | 20,000 yen | 23,000 yen |
Dentist’s office staff members | 15,000 yen | 18,000 yen | |
Graduate students | 11,000 yen | 13,000 yen | |
Members’ social gathering | 9,000 yen | 10,000 yen |
A. Advance registration
※To JOS members
When registering for attendance, ensure that you enter your member number. Note: If you are not sure what your member number is, please contact the JOS Secretariat (housed in the Oral Health Association of Japan).
※※To dentist’s office staff members
For advance registration, please upload or fax either of the following:
- Your staff member certificate issued by the dentist’s office you work at
- The 83rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society-specified form with a signature of the representative of the dentist’s office you work at
<Click here for the specified form>
At the venue, please show your staff member certificate or the specified form, regardless of advance or same-day registration.
To graduate students:
Only full-time graduate students affiliated with research institutions or universities are eligible for registration.
For advance registration, please upload or fax your student ID card.
At the venue, please show your student ID card, regardless of advance or same-day registration.
■Advance registration period
Please ensure that your payment is received by the end of the above-mentioned period.
Otherwise, your registration will be treated as same-day registration.
We recommend advance registration.
Same-day registration at the reception desk may take some time.
■How to register in advance
Please register for attendance online.
Before registering for attendance, please create a user account with your email address and a password.
Note: If you register online, please pay by bank transfer, credit card, or convenience store payment.
Note: If you pay for advance registration by bank transfer, the bank transfer process needs to be completed by as noon Thursday, August 29, 2024. If your payment is received after this date, your registration will be treated as same-day registration.
■How to change or cancel registration
Log in to your user account with your email address and password. Click the “View registration for changes/cancellation” button, and change or cancel your registration.
Note: Those who cancel by Thursday, August 29, 2024 will receive a full refund (after the Annual Meeting). Those who cancel after this date will receive no refund.
Note: Be careful of double registration.
B. Same-day registration at the venue
Same-day registrations will be accepted at the venue.
From this year on, the Annual Meeting will be held in person as a general rule. For that reason, please note that online registrations are accepted only within the advance registration period.
■How to register at the venue
On the day of the Meeting, at the same-day registration desk in the general reception area, fill out the Annual Meeting Attendance Form and pay the attendance fee. You will receive a participant’s pass and, if you do not have JOS membership, a copy of the abstract book, too. JOS members will receive a copy of the abstract book by mail in advance.
2. JOS Members’ Social Gathering
Date and time | 6:30–8:30 p.m., Saturday, November 2, 2024 |
Place | HOUSHOU, Yokohama Royal Park Hotel 2-2-1-3 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, 220-8173, Japan |
Banquet fee | (Advance sign-up) JPY 9,000 Deadline: Thursday, August 29, 2024* |
* Sign-ups will be closed when the capacity.
■Online sign-ups
- Before signing up for the gathering, please register your personal information and set a user ID and password.
- If you have not registered your personal information, please register it first.
- On “My Page,” sign up for the gathering in the “Attendance Registration” section.
3. Accommodations
■ How to book a roomPlease use the hotel reservation system.
Click here for reservation
4. Those who will be attending with small children
The Annual Meeting Steering Committee has considered the issue of accessibility for those who will attend with small children, so that the Meeting can be attended by as many JOS members who have small children as possible.
The Committee will take measures to create an environment friendly to those who will attending with small children, although it could not go as far as having a babysitting room this year due to the circumstances of the venue.
We ask JOS members to extend their continued warm support to families with small children.