Submit Your Abstract for the IPEG 2025 Annual Congress
Submission Deadline:Closed
Abstract Guidelines
The recommended abstract length is 250 words or less, excluding the title and authors' names. Abstract titles should be descriptive (200 characters or less). Only one table OR figure is allowed. The primary/submitting author will receive an email message confirming the receipt of the abstract. Please notify your co-authors that the confirmation was received.
Submit Your Abstract
Submit Your Abstract
Procedures and Deadlines
- All abstracts must be submitted in English through the online system.
- All abstracts must be received by Sunday, December 29, 2024. Abstracts are approved for presentation and inclusion in the annual scientific program at the recommendation of the 2025 Program Committee.
- Disclosures for ALL authors/co-authors is required within the submission form as well as their institutions, city, state, country, etc.
- Categories include: Gastro Intestinal, Thoracic, Urology/Gynecology, Oncology, Robotics/AI, Education, Innovation (Best presentation will be awarded), Coolest trick (Coolest one will be awarded), Basic Science (Best paper will be awarded), Worst Nightmare, miscellaneous (video abstract and poster).
- One table OR figure is allowed.
- Please only note the authors and institution names in the specified fields within the abstract form.
- Complete instructions for speaker and paper presentation will be provided upon notification of a paper's acceptance which will be announced early February, 2025.
- Please note that each author can only present up to 2 accepted orally presented abstracts, however they can be listed on more abstracts. All presenting authors must register for the meeting.
Video Guidelines (Upload file)
All video submissions also require an abstract.
- There must be only 1 subject per presentation
- Maximum size is 300MB
- All digital videos must be recorded in English; no music
- The opening frames of the video presentation must begin with the exact title and include the authors' names
- Submissions of presentations that are exceedingly commercial in character are discouraged and such submissions are less likely to be accepted for presentation
- Submissions funded by commercial companies must be identified as such in a disclaimer at the start of the presentation
- Digital video presentations longer than 5 minutes in duration will automatically be rejected.
Allowed video types: .mov, .mp4 ONLY
Manuscript Submission (Journal of Pediatric Surgery & Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports)
- Authors of accepted abstracts (except videos and case reports) are encouraged to submit a manuscript for consideration for publication in the 2025 IPEG issue of the Journal of Pediatric Surgery.
- To prepare your manuscript, follow the Journal of Pediatric Surgery Guide for Authors (Information for Authors: Journal of Pediatric Surgery) open_in_new .
- To submit your manuscript, go to the Journal's Editorial Manager page (Editorial Manager®) open_in_new , and in the "Article Type" dropdown menu select "SI: IPEG 2025".
- Authors of accepted case reports are encouraged to submit a manuscript for consideration for publication in the Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports.
- To prepare your manuscript, follow the Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports Guide for Authors (Guide for authors - Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports - ISSN 2213-5766 | by Elsevier) open_in_new .
IPEG Contact Information
All IPEG Abstract questions should be directed to
IPEG is not responsible for the content within each presentation and it is not representative
of the opinions of IPEG.
Submit Your Abstract
Submission Deadline: Closed
Mention in the Cover letter that your case report was accepted at IPEG 2025.