The origin and the transmission of the rock-paper-scissors game

I focus on the origin, the transmission and the world-wide distribution of the rock-paper-scissors game. In 1991 when I was in the beloved green place, Glasgow, it was quite amazing to find out the native existence of the game in Britain. I had believed that it was a traditional Japanese game. Every Japanese child can play it. The event has evoked the academic interest far much stronger than I ever experienced in the neuroscience research.
The study should lead us a new insight into the association of the Oriental culture with the Western one. Any information on the rock-paper-scissors game is welcome.

The wold-wide distribution of RPS.

Masayuki Ikeda, M.D., F.J.C.P.
E-mail:  ike(underbar)
Department of Clinical Research, National Saigata Hospital, 468-1 Saigata, Ohgata-Machi, Nakakubiki-Gun, Niigata 949-3193, Japan
FAX +81-255-34-4824

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