LOCKDOWN FREE Sweden’s coronavirus case rate is now LOWER than Denmark and Norway after refusing to lock down. The Sun Updated: 6 Sep 2020, 6:53
SWEDEN'S coronavirus case rate was this week lower than those of neighbours Denmark and Norway for the first time since March.
Speaking at a press conference this week, state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell said: "Sweden has gone from being one of the countries with the most infection in Europe, to one of those with the least infection in Europe."Many other countries have seen a rather dramatic increase.What we see now is that the sustainable policy might be slower in getting results, but it will get results eventually. And then we also hope that the result will be more stable."
Denmark and Norway both saw cases rise again last month as they lifted their lockdowns, though neither is yet reaching the peaks seen in March and April.Countries elsewhere in Europe have seen daily infection rates
rise to levels seen earlier this year as they lifted their lockdowns. France recorded 8,975 new cases on Friday, exceeding its previous daily peak, set on March 31, of 7,578. Spain similarly saw cases rise again during August, registering 9,052 positive tests on August 21.
Danish authorities warn of new measures after Covid-19 cases increase. The Local Denmark 4 September 2020
Local measures to contain increasing numbers of new coronavirus cases could be introduced at the beginning of next week. A total of 173 new cases of coronavirus were registered in the latest daily update on Friday, following Thursday’s total of 179.The figure of 179 from Thursday is the highest daily tally since April 22nd. New containment measures could be put in place if infection numbers in several towns do not improve by Monday, health authorities said at a press briefing on Friday.
“If infections keep increasing, it is not unrealistic for us to put stricter resources to use as soon as Monday,” Anne Lykke Petri, head of the Danish Patient Safety Authority, said according to DR’s report.That was confirmed by health minister Magnus Heunicke.
“It is clear that if the infections continue to increase, we will have to use some of the tools that we know from (experience in) Aarhus have a significant effect in bringing down infections,” Heunicke said in reference to measures in Denmark’s second city, which saw a spike in cases in the first half of August.

(写真)デンマーク人はマスクはしない。でもsocial distanceは保つってわけね。それはそれで結構。でもそのsocial distanceを保っていても、なんちゃって第2波はやってきたわけでしょ。なのに「少なくとも現在の規制を強化するだけの科学的根拠はない。現在の規制レベルを維持して経過を見るだけでいい」と、なんでそう結論できないわけ?それって科学じゃないよね。ただのロックダウン依存症でしょ。朝令暮改ってのは、自分たちのやってきたことを自分たちで否定しているってこと。そんなこともわからなくなっちゃったの?デンマークではSARS-COV-2は呼吸器だけを冒すわけじゃないのね。科学的判断力を失わせる他に一切の症状を示さない。そんな特殊な病型もあるんだ。そして、その特殊な病型は、実はデンマークだけじゃなくて、フランスでもスペインでも大流行している。(クリックして拡大)
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