Itinerary for Dr. Horgerzeil, Medical Officer, DAP/ WHO

(ver.5.2, 10 Dec 1998)

5 - 12 December 1998

5 December (Saturday)
                 8:30	                    Arrive to Narita (SR168)
	                                    Move to Tokyo 
             afternoon	                    Move from Tokyo to Hamamatsu by bullet train
                                                    Stay at Okura Act City Hotel Hamamatsu, 
                                                      (tel: +81-53-459-0111, fax: +81-53-458-3374)

6 December (Sunday)
                                                    One day workshop on rational pharmacotherapy, Hamamatsu
                                                    Stay at Okura Act City Hotel Hamamatsu

7 December (Monday)
                 9:00	                     Lecture (60minutes) to medical students at Hamamatsu University 
                                                       School of Medicine (Dr.Ohashi & Dr.Uemura)

                                                     Move to Kyoto (90min)

                16:00	                     Lecture (60 minutes & Q&A) at the post graduate education course, 
                                                       Kyoto University, Faculty of Medicine 
                                                       (Dr. T. Fukui, tel: +81-75-751-4210)
                                                     Stay at Miyako Hotel in Kyoto

8 December (Tuesday)
              morning	                     Sightseeing in Kyoto

       afternoon/evening	     Move to Tokyo
                                                     Stay at Dutch Embassy (Ms.Milders, tel: +81-3-5401-1140)

9 December (Wednesday)
                10:00	                     Visit to the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MHW, Mr. Tsuda),
                13:00                           Visit to the Japan International Corporation of Welfare Services 
                                                       (JICWEL, Mr. Hashiguchi)
                17:00	                     Lecture at the conference organized by the Japan Association of 
                                                       Medical Doctors in Industry (JAMDI, Dr. Nojima), Alchadia, Ichigaya

10 December (Thursday)
                10:00	                     Visit to Japan International Corporation Agency (JICA, Mr. Sugimoto)
                16:00	                     Lecture at Expert Service Division, Bureau of International 
                                                       Corporation, International Medical Center of Japan. (Dr. Oda)
                18:00	                     Meet The Informed Prescriber
                                                        (Japanese counter part of ISDB, Dr. Beppu)

11 December (Friday)
               morning	                     Move to Narita
                12:50	                     Departure from Narita (SR169)