Medical Education in Korea and Personal Drug



1.Medical Education in Korea and Personal Drug


3.First Close Encounter

4.ppt slide

5.The 1st Korea P-drug Workshop

6.Members of the Joint Committee

7.Workshop Program

8.Facts on 1st Workshop

9.Differences with Japan Workshop

10.The 2nd Korea P-drug Workshop

11.The 2nd Korea P-drug Workshop

12.P-drug for Undergraduate

13.P-drug for Undergraduates

14.Future Plan

15.Good Strategy for Propagation

作成者 : Kyun-Seop Bae(Soul National University College of Medicine)

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ミニシンポジウム「医学教育とPersonal drugの考え方:どのように治療薬剤を選択し処方するか」(27日15:00〜16:10)へ戻る