Life in Sweden
No. 33 Departure, and return to Japan
Stockholm in mid-February. A lot of snow. Cold weather. But, the
sunshine is steadily getting brighter and longer day by
The ice on Lake Melaren started to melt.
After four years of stay in Sweden, now the time has come to leave. Everyday, I was meeting a lot of people. I said goodbye to a lot of my favourite stuffs and gave or sold at quite reasonable price to my friends. It was like holiday seasons to imagine each person who would like what. And, it is always nice to see people being happy with what they have recieved. I also packed up my belongings and shipped them. The pitty was that I had to dispose a lot of things which were old but still useful somehow. Otherwise, I would have been unable to depart.
The prepartion for the departure continued until the last minuite. All the friends were very helpful. The moment leaving the apartment was sentimental. The landlord missed me very much. Completely exhosted, and I got onto a plane. The plane took off Arlanda Airport. Hejdå, Sverige.
During the long flight, I was mostly unconcious, and suddenly I reallized the plane is aproaching Japan. And, the plane landed Narita Airport.
Immediately after my arrival to Japan, another struggle began. I moved to Osaka where I got my new position, and found a new apartment. By the end of March, luggages shipped by boat were delivered. Then, in April, the cherry blossom welcomed me.
Sometimes, I still dream of myself going home in the suburb of Stockholm or strawling some corner of Europe. I feel like those days just like yesterday. Yes, it's true I miss my days in Europe. On the other hand, I am quite happy with my new life in Osaka. Now I am working with cardiology in adults. It's a challange for myself. But I am enjoying it. The adventure keeps going.
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