Life in Sweden

No. 22 Swedish Summer Style


What people loves most in Sweden might be Summer. After the midsummer, whole the society get really deactivated until the early August.

Thanks to the nice weather this year, there are a lot of berries everywhere. In this counrty, berries such as rhapsberry and blueberyy are typical summer delicacies. When I was just after my arrival here, I couldn't believe that people enjoys berry picking, but it's not at all difficult to find them.



What people loves to do on fine days is go to the beach and swim. Even in the middle of the Stockholm, you can find a lot of people enjoying bathing at the beaches along the shore of the Lake Melaren. 

Beach in the middle of Stockholm.

The daylight is very long, and even at the midnight, the sky in the North is still bright. But, after the midsummer, the day time starts to get short. In the beguning of August, day time shortens four minuites every day! And the decoration for the "Crayfish party" starts to appear, predicting the coming end of the summer.


Northern sky is still bright even at the midnight.

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