Vol.89  No.3  (September 2024)

Nomura, M.
Technical note: Visualization of the shell structure of the testate amoeba Paulinella micropora by FE-SEM ..... 179–180
Tsugane, K., Kato, A., Matsubayashi, N., and Naruse, K.
Focus: A guide to the use of the Inter-University Bio-Backup Project (IBBP) for the sustainability of individual research, even in the event of natural disasters or other unexpected accidents ..... 181–185
Kondo, Y., Kubo, S., and Yoshida, Y.
Optimizing codon usage and gene evolution in the unicellular red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae ..... 187–195
Kaur, D.
Occurrence and impact of polyploidy in dicotyledonous plants from Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh (India) ..... 197–202
Jha, T. B., Chakroborty, P., and Halder, M.
Karyotype analysis on Gloriosa superba using enzymatic maceration and air-dryingbased Giemsa, DAPI, and CMA staining techniques ..... 203–209
Gao, J.-R., Ren, Y., Yan, H.-M., and Huang, H.-Y.
Inducing autotetraploid and developing a rapid propagation strategy for Codonopsis pilosula ..... 211–223
Lekhapan, P., Anamthawat-Jónsson, K., and Chokchaichamnankit, P.
The size of viable pollen is correlated with ploidy level, as evidenced by a polyploid series of Ocimum L. from Thailand ..... 225–234
Katogi, T., Shirakawa, J., Goto, K., and Hoshi, Y.
DR-OPC01 sequence disperses throughout the Drosera rotundifolia-derived genomes in the allohexaploid sundew Drosera tokaiensis ..... 235–244
Tavares, M. G., Silva, A. P. A., Soares, F. A. F., Pompolo, S. G., Carvalho, C. R., and Clarindo, W. R.
Endopolyploidy dynamics in the cerebral ganglion development of Solenopsis saevissima (Smith, 1855) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) .....· 245–250
Masaki, T., Im, H.-T., Hoshino, T., and Chung, K.-S.
Chromosome number report of six Carex sect. Mitratae taxa from the Korean Peninsula (Cyperaceae) ..... 251–255
Li, L. and Deng, Y.
Chromosome numbers of six species of Championella group in Strobilanthes (Acanthaceae) from China ..... 257–260
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