- Nomura, M.
- Technical note: Visualization of the shell structure of the testate amoeba Paulinella micropora by FE-SEM ..... 179–180
- Tsugane, K., Kato, A., Matsubayashi, N., and Naruse, K.
- Focus: A guide to the use of the Inter-University Bio-Backup Project (IBBP)
for the sustainability of individual research, even in the event of natural
disasters or other unexpected accidents ..... 181–185
- Kondo, Y., Kubo, S., and Yoshida, Y.
- Optimizing codon usage and gene evolution in the unicellular red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae ..... 187–195
- Kaur, D.
- Occurrence and impact of polyploidy in dicotyledonous plants from Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh (India) ..... 197–202
- Jha, T. B., Chakroborty, P., and Halder, M.
- Karyotype analysis on Gloriosa superba using enzymatic maceration and air-dryingbased Giemsa, DAPI, and CMA staining
techniques ..... 203–209
- Gao, J.-R., Ren, Y., Yan, H.-M., and Huang, H.-Y.
- Inducing autotetraploid and developing a rapid propagation strategy for
Codonopsis pilosula ..... 211–223
- Lekhapan, P., Anamthawat-Jónsson, K., and Chokchaichamnankit, P.
- The size of viable pollen is correlated with ploidy level, as evidenced
by a polyploid series of Ocimum L. from Thailand ..... 225–234
- Katogi, T., Shirakawa, J., Goto, K., and Hoshi, Y.
- DR-OPC01 sequence disperses throughout the Drosera rotundifolia-derived genomes in the allohexaploid sundew Drosera tokaiensis ..... 235–244
- Tavares, M. G., Silva, A. P. A., Soares, F. A. F., Pompolo, S. G., Carvalho, C. R., and Clarindo, W. R.
- Endopolyploidy dynamics in the cerebral ganglion development of Solenopsis saevissima (Smith, 1855) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) .....· 245–250
- Masaki, T., Im, H.-T., Hoshino, T., and Chung, K.-S.
- Chromosome number report of six Carex sect. Mitratae taxa from the Korean Peninsula (Cyperaceae) ..... 251–255
- Li, L. and Deng, Y.
Chromosome numbers of six species of Championella group in Strobilanthes (Acanthaceae) from China ..... 257–260
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