Vol.89  No.2  (June 2024)

Li, M., Sato, H., and Matsunaga, S.
Technical note: Application of de novo shoot regeneration system from root explants of Arabidopsis thaliana ..... 83–84
Kodama, T., Matsunaga, T., and Matsunaga, S.
Focus:Horizontal gene transfer in eukaryotes: A biological phenomenon with unknown molecular mechanisms but accumulating DNA evidence ····· 85–88
Tanaka, A., Takara, H., Kamata, S., Sato, Y., and Ueshiro, R.
Temperature influences on dimorphism of microthallus in a brown alga Cladosiphon okamuranus .....89–96
Deshmukh, P. V., Yadav, S. R., and Lekhak, M. M.
Male meiosis and pollen morphology of some populations of Ledebouria revoluta (Asparagaceae) from India .....97–104
Takeshita, T., Miura, M., Suzuki, T., Takita, K., Ota, S., and Kawano, S.
Culture of 26 Haematococcus strains under autotrophic and mixotrophic conditions and astaxanthin production .....105–115
Aydın, Z. U., Eroğlu, H. E., Şenova, M. K., Martin, E., Tuna, M. and Dönmez, A. A.
Chromosome characterization and genome size in Nigella and Garidella species (Ranunculaceae) with their taxonomic implications .....117–125
Yari, A., Karimzadeh, G., Rashidi Monfared, S., and Sayadi, V.
Mixed-ploidy in Iranian endemic Cymbopogon olivieri (Boiss.) Bor: A chromosomal and holoploid genome size study .....127–131
Shii, M., Kajiya, Y., Murata, M., Abe, T., Kunitake, H., and Hirano, T.
Effects of fertilization of male gametes with heavy-ion beam irradiation on embryo and endosperm development in Cyrtanthus mackenii .....133–139
Zahan Shupon, I., Jahan Bonna, I., Kumar Dash, C., and Sharmeen Sultana, S.
Comparative cytological study of three Bauhinia species in Bangladesh .....141–146
Xu, W. and Zhu, W.
First karyological analysis of Plestiodon capito (Squamata: Scincidae) .....147–151
Madhav, N. A., Chandore, A. N., and Chhotupuri G. K. V.
Cytology of two varieties of Coix lacryma-jobi L. (Poaceae) in India .....153–156
Tapia-Pastrana, F.
First karyotypic register of Ctenodon elegans (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae: Dalbergieae) from Puebla, Mexico, using splash method and Giemsa staining .....157–161
Majid, F. and Grewal, A.
New gametophytic chromosome numbers for Lamiaceae from North-West India .....163–171
Dogan, G., Kiran, Y., Eroğlu, H., Fidan, M., and Pınar S. M.
Karyotype analysis of five endemic Bellevalia species from Turkey .....173–178
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