Vol. 73  No.3  (September 2008)

Kapil, V. S., Subhash, S. M., Sudam, C. P. and Sandip, R. K.
RAPD and Cytogenetic Study in F1 and F2 of In terspecific Cross between Gossypium arboreum× Gossypium anomalum ..... 213-219
Tanomtong, A., Supanuam, P., Sangpakdee, W., Siripiyasing, P., Boonhan, P. and Kaewsri, S.
The first Cytogenetic Study of the Malayan porcupine, Hystrix brachyuran (Rodentia, Hystricidae) by Conventional Staining and G-banding Technique ..... 221-228
Siripiyasing, P., Chulalaksananukul, W., Pariyanonth, P., Kaewsri, S., Sittigul, S., Seatung, N. and Tanomtong, A.
The Identification of the Sex Chromosome and Karyotype of Four Toad Species (Genus Bufo) in Thailand by T-lymphocyte Cell Culture ..... 229-241
Joshy, S. H. and Kuramoto, M.
Comparative Chromosome Studies of Five Species of the Genus Fejervarya (Anura: Ranidae) from South India ..... 243-250
Krishnasamy, T., Palaniappan, J. and Nagasamy, N.
Pollen Pistil Interaction in Inter-Specific Crosses of Vigna sp. ..... 251-257
Fujikawa-Yamamoto, K., Miyagoshi, M., Yamagishi, H., and Luo, X.
Cell Proliferation of Diploid and Tetraploid H1 (ES) Cells in L15F10 Medium without Leukemia Inhibitory Factor ..... 259-268
Sheidai, M., Parsian, H., Vaezi-Joze, S. and Noormohammadi, Z.
Chromosome Pairing and Chiasma Formation in Some Olive (Olea europaea L.) Cultivars of lran ..... 269-274
Sheidai, M., Dokhanchei, A. and Noormohammadi, Z.
Karyotype and Chromosome Pairing Analysis in Some Iranian Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) Cultivars ..... 275-281
Urdampilleta, J. D., Ferrucci, M. S., Vanzela, A. L. L. and Forni Martins, E. R.
Differences and Resemblances in Banding Patterns and Ribosomal DNA Distribution in Four Species of Paullinieae Tribe (Sapin-daceae) ..... 283-291
Pramual, P., Wongpakam, K. and Kuvangkadilok, C.
Cytogenetics of the Black Fly Simulium aureohirtum Brunetti from Thailand ..... 293-304
Imery-Buiza, J., Raymíndez, M. B. and Menéndez-Yuffa, A.
Karyotypic Variability in Experimental Diploid and Triploid Hybrids of Aloe vera× A.saponaria ..... 305-311
Hoshi, Y., Shirakawa. J., Hasebe. M., Fukushima, K and Kondo. K.
Tandem Repeat rDNA Sequences Derived from Parents Were Stably Maintained in Hexaploids of Drosera spathulata Complex (Droser aceae) ..... 313-325
Asghari-Zakaria, R., Panahi, A. R. and Sadeghizadeh. M.
Comparative Study of Chromosome Morphology in Silybum marianum ..... 327-332
Sheidai, M., Iraj, S., Karamian, R. and Ranjbar, M.
Cyto-morphological Studies of the Genus Glycyrrhiza in lran ...... 333-339
Sakajiri. T., Asano, K., Hirooka, S., Tashiro, K., Misumi, O., Fujiwara, T. and Kuroiwa, T.
Microarray Analysis Reveals S-Adenosylmethionine (SAM) Synthetase Involvement in Salt Tolerance of Cyanidioschyzon merolae ..... 341-368

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