A phase-contrast/immunofluorescence image of an isolated chloroplast division
machinery including the PD, FtsZ and dynamin rings.
Chloroplast division involves plastld-dividing(phase-contrast),
dynamin (CmDum2/DRP5; orange) and FtsZ (CmFtsZ2; green)(PDF) rings. Isolated
chloroplast divislon machineries (PDF machineries)from prmitive red alga
Cyanidioschyzon merolae formed circular and supertwisted(or spiral) structure
depending on the circumference or lengths. Supertwistedand spiral PDF machineries
were longer than those of circular PDF-machineries.Thus, the supertwisted
and circular PDF machineries were considered tobe derived from dividing
chloroplasts at the early and late phases. respcctively.
Because GTPase dynamin molecules are associated
withthe outside of the PDF machinery and generate the motive force for
contractionby the PD ring filament sliding in dividing chloroplast at the
early phase,the isolatcd PDF machineries are supertwist structures. As
the contractionof the PDF machineries progressed, the supertwisted (spiral)
PDF machinerieschange into compact circles (cover image) and the dynamin
molecules movefrom surface of the contracted PDF machinery to the insidc
of the machinery.
When the dynamin molecules interact with the lipid membranes, they would
act as a pinchase to pinch off the membranes at the bridge between the
daughter chloroplasts.
[Yoshida, Y. et al. Isolated chloroplast divislon machinery can actively
constrict after stretching. (2006) Science313, 1435-8.)]
(Yamato Yoshida.1,2 Haruko Kuroiwa,2 Osami Misumi,1 Keiji Nishida,2 Fumi Yasawa,2 Takayuki Fujiwara,3 Hideaki Nanamiya,2 Fujio Kawamura,2,3 Tsuneyoshi Kuroiwa2, 1 Department of Integrated Biosciences, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences,
University of Tokyo 277-8562, Japan, 2 Research Information Center for
Extremophilc, 3 Laboratory of Cell Biology, Department of Life Science, College
of Science, Rikkyo (St. Paul's) University, Toshima, Tokyo 171-8501, Japan) |