Hitoshi Mori, PhD, Shin-Ichi Izumi, MD, PhD, Hitoshi Kagaya, MD, DMSc, Hideki Oyama, PhD, Genji Abe, PhD, Kenji Yashima, PhD, Toshiyuki Takagi, PhD
Jpn J Compr Rehabil Sci 11: 52-58, 2020
Objective: To investigate the use of the myoelectric
potential of the infrahyoid muscles as a synchronizing
signal for the contraction of the suprahyoid muscles
during swallowing.
Methods: The myoelectric potentials of the anterior
belly of the digastric muscle and the sternohyoid
muscle of 10 healthy adults during swallowing were
measured, and the activity of each muscle was
analyzed. Additionally, the real-time process of muscle
activity detection was simulated using the measured
waveform of the myoelectric potentials.
Results: The ratio of the “elapsed time from the
activity of the anterior belly of the digastric muscle to
the activity of the sternohyoid muscle” to the “time of
activity of the anterior belly of the digastric muscle”
was 22.5 ± 19.6%. The sternohyoid muscle activity
started in the early period of activity of the digastric
muscle. In the simulation, differential processing
enabled detection of the activity of the sternohyoid
muscle in 49 of 50 trials within the activation time of
the anterior belly of the digastric muscle.
Conclusion: The myoelectric potential of the
sternohyoid muscle can be used as a synchronization
signal for the contraction of the anterior belly of the
digastric muscle during swallowing.
Key words: dysphagia, magnetic stimulation, anterior belly of digastric muscle, sternohyoid muscle, myoelectric potential