Takashi Tomita, PhD, Takahiro Fukui, UG, Sayaka Takanohashi, UG, Hidekazu Goto, BS, Tadashi Yoshida, MD, PhD, Kenji Sumiya, PhD, Yukinao Kohda, PhD, Kenzo Kudo, PhD
Jpn J Compr Rehabil Sci 9: 22-28, 2018
Objective: We studied the impact of xanthan gum
(XTG) as a thickener in widely-used food thickeners
on the disintegration of rapidly-disintegrating tablets.
Methods: We used 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, and 0.8% (w/v)
aqueous solutions of XTG (XTG-Sol) for the study.
The rapidly-disintegrating tablet used was magnesium
oxide tablet (M-Tab). M-Tabs were immersed in XTGSol
for 1, 5, and 10 min and then subjected to
disintegration tests (purified water).
Results: The results obtained revealed that the longer
the immersion time in 0.6% or 0.8% XTG-Sol, the
longer the disintegration time of the M-Tabs. All the
M-Tabs disintegrated in the 0.2% XTG-Sol.
Additionally, when the immersion time was 5 or 10
min, the M-Tabs disintegrated in the 0.4% XTG-Sol.
Conclusion: The disintegration of the rapidlydisintegrating
tablets was affected by XTG and was
dependent on its concentration and the immersion
time. Thus, care is needed when swallowing tablets
with thickened food products containing XTG.
Key words: xanthan gum, food thickener, magnesium oxide, rapidly-disintegrating tablet, disintegration test