Seiko Shibata, MD, DMSc, Hitoshi Kagaya, MD, DMSc, Shinichiro Tanaka, MD,
Wataru Fujii, DDS, PhD, Kazuharu Nakagawa, DDS, PhD, Koichiro Matsuo, DDS, PhD,
Kazumi Abe, MPHARM, Naoto Ishibashi, MPHARM, Yoko Inamoto, SLHT, DMSc,
Eiichi Saitoh, MD, DMSc
Jpn J Compr Rehabil Sci 8: 82-87, 2017
Objective: Our goal was to verify the validity and
safety of chew-swallow managing food (CSM) for
dysphagia patients.
Methods: We conducted a study on 14 inpatients
diagnosed with dysphagia and judged to be capable of
ingesting pureed foods. We instructed each participant
to ingest and freely swallow 4-g samples of CSM and
pureed food. For each sample, we measured the
number of chewing cycles, number of swallows,
position of the leading edge of the bolus at the time of
swallowing initiation, amount of residue in the oral
cavity and pharynx, and occurrence of laryngeal
penetration or aspiration.
Results: The number of chewing cycles was significantly
higher for the CSM. The position of the leading edge of
the bolus at the time of swallowing initiation was
primarily in the valleculae for both the CSM and pureed
food, and the rate of laryngeal penetration did not
significantly differ between the two test foods. There was
a high rate of residue on the dorsum of tongue with the
CSM and in the valleculae with the pureed food.
Conclusion: The CSM induced chewing in dysphagia
patients, and the prevalence of penetration did not
differ from the pureed food. Therefore, we concluded
that the CSM could be used in chewing exercises with
the same level of safety as the pureed food.
Key words: process model, chewing, swallowing, swallowing disorders, direct training