Original Article

MMT measurements are acceptable in routine clinical practice: Results from periodic medical examinations of polio survivors

Koshiro Sawada, MD, PhD, Eiichi Saitoh, MD, PhD, Motoyuki Horii, MD, PhD, Daisuke Imoto, Norihide Itoh, PhD, Yasuo Mikami, MD, PhD, Takumi Ikeda, MD, PhD, Suzuyo Ohashi, MD, PhD, Ryu Terauchi, MD, PhD, Hiroyoshi Fujiwara, MD, PhD, Toshikazu Kubo, MD, PhD
Jpn J Compr Rehabil Sci 8: 51-55, 2017

Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate whether manual muscle test (MMT) for the hip (abduction, flexion, and extension), knee (flexion and extension), and ankle (dorsal flexion) muscles are acceptable in routine clinical practice.
Methods: The study included 222 participants (487 examinations, 974 legs) of periodic medical examinations for polio survivors in the Tokai district of Japan. The subjects were 175 men (350 legs) and 312 women (624 legs) with an average age at the time of examination of 62.2 (32-82) and 61.6 (47-83) years, respectively. The results of handheld dynametric muscle test were compared for each MMT grade and joint motion.
Results: Significant differences in muscle strength were observed for the majority of pairs of MMT grades, excluding the MMT 0/1 pair. The specific combinations with no significant differences were MMT 1/2 for knee flexion (women); and MMT 0/2 (both men and women), 1/2 (both men and women), and 3/4 (men) for ankle dorsal flexion.
Conclusion: Clinical MMT measurements seem to be generally acceptable, at least when performed by physical therapists with 5 or more years of clinical experience. However, ankle dorsal flexion requires especially careful assessment.

Key words: manual muscle test, dynametric muscle test, polio, post-polio syndrome

Contents (volume 8)