Original Article

Improvement of gait and coordinated movement by forced gait training in cerebellar ataxic B6-wob/t mice

Hidehiko Beppu, MT, PhD, Naoki Takayanagi, RD, PhD, Yutaka Tomita, RE, PhD, Kenmei Mizutani, MT, PhD, Abbas Orand, RE, PhD, Ikuko Tamai, MT, Hisahide Takahashi, PhD, Shigeru Sonoda, MD, PhD
Jpn J Compr Rehabil Sci 6: 64-70, 2015

Objective: The effect of forced gait training was investigated in cerebellar ataxic mice (B6-wob/t) using gait analysis and a rota-rod test.
Methods: B6 and B6-wob/t mice were divided into non-exercise (NEx) and exercise (Ex) groups. The Ex group received forced gait training with a running wheel at 2 m/min for 50 minutes, three times a day, six days a week, for 12 weeks. The rota-rod test was performed every 4 weeks during this period, and gait was evaluated using our pelvic axis-based gait analysis method (pelvic axis method) when a significant difference was noted between the NEx and Ex groups. The multiple comparison test was used for statistical analysis.
Results: After gait training for 12 weeks, the time until falling in the rota-rod test was significantly extended to 115 seconds in the Ex group compared to that (90 seconds) in the NEx group, and the hindlimb step width measured using the pelvic axis method was significantly narrower in the EX than NEx group.
Conclusion: Forced gait training may be effective for ataxic symptoms of B6-wob/t. The combination of the pelvic axis-based gait analysis and rota-rod test was useful to evaluate the improvement of ataxia.

Key words: cerebellar ataxia, B6-wob/t mouse, forced running wheel exercise, pelvic axis-based gait analysis, rota-rod test

Contents (volume 6)