Original Article

Formula for predicting FIM for stroke patients at discharge from an acute ward or convalescent rehabilitation ward

Seungwon Jeong, Researcher, PhD, Yusuke Inoue, Researcher, PhD, Katsunori Kondo, MD, PhD, Daisuke Matsumoto, RPT, Master of Health Science, Nariaki Shiraishi, RPT, PhD
Jpn J Compr Rehabil Sci 5: 19-25, 2014

Objective: To develop formulas for predicting Functional Independence Measure (FIM) at the time of discharge from an acute or convalescent hospital ward using multicenter data.
Methods: Data from 4,311 acute patients (22 hospitals) and 1,941 convalescent patients (24 hospitals) were divided into two groups (calculation group and verification group). Multiple regression analysis was performed to develop formulas for predicting discharge FIM and test their validity with data from the verification group.
Results: The formula derived for predicting discharge FIM for acute patients was 85.04 + (-0.53 × age) + (12.06 × subarachnoid hemorrhage) + (-7.90 × complication present) + (-0.70 × number of days from onset of stroke until admission) + (1.24 × admission GCS) + (-1.08 × admission NIHSS) + (-4.15 × modified Rankin Scale score before stroke) + (0.30 × admission motor FIM) + (1.03 × admission cognitive FIM), with R2 = 0.78. The formula derived for predicting discharge FIM for convalescent patients was 33.04 + (-0.34 × age) + (-3.88 × complication present) + (-0.11 × number of days from onset of stroke until admission) + (2.44 × admission GCS) + (-1.68 × modified Rankin Scale score before stroke) + (0.53 × admission motor FIM) + (1.25 × admission cognitive FIM) (R2 = 0.66).
Conclusion: Using a large multicenter database, we developed separate formulas for predicting FIM at discharge from an acute ward and from a convalescent ward with proven external validity.

Key words: prediction of FIM at hospital discharge, stroke patients, acute rehabilitation, convalescent rehabilitation, rehabilitation patient data bank

Contents (volume 5)