Takako Itsukaichi, RPT, MSc, Yoshimi Suzukamo, PhD, Shin-Ichi Izumi, MD, PhD
Jpn J Compr Rehabil Sci 4: 39-46, 2013
Purpose: To describe the planning of home-based
rehabilitation (HBR) by care managers and to show
the relationship between the knowledge/understanding
of the care managers regarding HBR and their planning
experience regarding these services.
Methods: Five hundred certified care managers in the
Miyagi Care Manager Association completed a
questionnaire that included queries on the participantsf
knowledge/understanding of HBR and on their
experiences in selecting HBR in their care plans.
Factors affecting selection of HBR were explored with
the chi-square test, followed by logistic regression
Results: Among 113 care managers who are currently
engaged in home-based care, 78 (69%) have experience
with HBR. The planning of HBR was affected by the
availability of facilities that offer HBR and the
knowledge/understanding of care managers.
Conclusion: The knowledge/understanding of HBR
by the care manager is important to provide the HBR
Key words: long-term care, care manager, home-based rehabilitation