Hiroyuki Miyasaka, OTR, MA, Izumi Kondo, MD, PhD, Hiroyuki Kato, OTR, MA, Chikako
Takahashi, OTR, Hitomi Uematsu, OTR, Chieko Yasui, OTR, Akina Tani, OTR, Mikiko
Miyata, OTR, Noriko Wada, OTR, BA, Toshio Teranishi, RPT, PhD, Yosuke Wada, RPT, MS,
Shigeru Sonoda, MD, PhD
Jpn J Compr Rehabil Sci 2: 24-30, 2011
Purpose: The purposes of this study were to assess the
content validity of Functional Skills Measure after
Paralysis (FSMAP) and to revise its content to make it
appropriate for use in the clinical setting.
Methods: Eight occupational therapists (OTs) participated
in the questionnaire study. Nominal Group Technique
(NGT) was used to measure the content validity.
Before using the NGT, we set an 80% agreement as
the criterion for consent. If the agreement for an item
did not reach this level and the itemfs content validity
was not high enough, we revised its content. We
repeated the same assessment for the revised FSMAP
by using a questionnaire.
Results: In the fi rst assessment, 8 out of 15 items
(including the subitems and descriptions) did not reach
the predetermined agreement level. In the second
assessment, 1 out of 15 items did not reach the
agreement level. We fi nished the assessment process
because we judged that the content validity of FSMAP
reached a satisfactory level after the revision of this
Discussion: We think that FSMAP should be revised
to make it appropriate for use in the clinical setting
after assessing its content validity.
Key words: stroke, upper limb hemiparesis, measure, nominal group technique