Yasuhiko Shirayama, PhD, Yasoichi Nakajima, MD
Jpn J Compr Rehabil Sci 2: 13-17, 2011
Objective: We conducted a quantitative investigation
of burnout (BO) characteristics among support
coordinators (SCs) for persons with high brain
Methods: We administered a questionnaire, including
the Japanese BO scale items and questions on
individual attributes, to 66 persons who attended the
national SC Conference.
Results: Of the 66 participants, 65 were SCs. The
average scores for sub-factors in the Japanese BO
scale were 13.40 } 4.36 for emotional exhaustion,
11.18 } 3.65 for depersonalization, and 16.98 } 3.92
for personal accomplishment. Burnout tendencies
were seen in } SCs (13.8%). Comparison of the
attributes of the sub-factor scores showed signifi cant
differences with regard to the sex of the individual,
with women experiencing greater levels of emotional
exhaustion than those experienced by men; professional
role, with the sense of personal accomplishment being
greater in management positions than in nonmanagement
positions; and job satisfaction, with the
levels of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization
being greater among dissatisfi ed participants than
those in satisfi ed participants.
Conclusion: Our results suggest that care tailored to
SCsf individual attributes, as well as swift systemwide
responses are necessary to prevent BO among SCs.
Key words: High brain dysfunction, support coordinators, burnout, Japanese burnout scale