------------- Digital Biocolor News No.0066 [2018.03.15] -------------

[This is a bilingual mail, so please neglect queer characters if your
software does not display Japanese characters. The English part
appears after the Japanese part.]
-------------------[The Japanese part begins here]-------------------

 「Digital Biocolor News」はデジタルバイオカラー研究会の発行する会員
(末尾に「.pdf」がついている文書の表示には、http://www.adobe.co.jp/ で
無料配布されている Acrobat Reader の最新バージョンが必要です)

  ホームページ: http://biocolor.umin.ac.jp/
  電子メール : biocolor-soc@umin.ac.jp

       :生体イメージングの革新とその実地・臨床応用 開催報告
-----------------------[Digital Biocolor News]-----------------------
       :生体イメージングの革新とその実地・臨床応用 開催報告

はSpringer発行のArtificial Life and Robotics誌Digital Biocolor特集号に

Artificial Life and Robotics誌 -> href="http://isarob.org/journal/

[2018.03.15 第5回シンポジウム実行委員長 津村徳道]
--------------------[The English part begins here]--------------------

'Digital Biocolor News' is an electronic newsletter published by the
Digital Biocolor Society for its registered members. Back issues are
posted under the heading 'About the Society - Publication' in the
Society's home page shown below.
(Documents with the extension ".pdf" require the latest version of
Acrobat Reader, which is distributed free at http://www.adobe.com/)

Contact Digital Biocolor Society at:
 home page: http://biocolor.umin.ac.jp/
 e-mail: biocolor-soc@umin.ac.jp

If you would not like to receive the succeeding issues, please send
an e-mail to biocolor-soc@umin.ac.jp with the words "remove me" in
the body of the message.
Notice : The 5th Symposium of the 'Color' of Digital Imaging 
         in Biomedicine (15 Thu. February, 2018, Chiba, Japan)
-----------------------[Digital Biocolor News]-----------------------
Notice : The 5th Symposium of the 'Color' of Digital Imaging 
         in Biomedicine (15 Thu. February, 2018, Chiba, Japan)

The 5th Symposium of the 'Color' of Digital Imaging in Biomedicine 
was held on February 15 (Thu.), 2018, at Nishi-Chiba Campus of Chiba 
University, Japan. About seventy attendees gathered and made very 
active discussions. From today on, the PDF version of the proceedings 
can be obtained free at the home page of the Society, and please feel 
free to tell the Secretary if you have any difficulties about it. 
Many of the papers presented in this Symposium will appear at the 
Special Issue on Digital Biocolor of Artificial Life and Robotics 
published by Springer. On the same day, the editorial board of the 
issue was held at the venue. Enhancement of the board of directors 
of the Society and other issues were discussed during a free 
conversation after the official meeting.

Artificial Life and Robotics Journal -> href="http://isarob.org/journal/

[Mar. 15, 2018, Chairman of the 5th Symposium, Norimichi TSUMURA]