Multicellular Organization Laboratory


To south exit

To go to South exit, you need to pass through the gate of Shinkansen, but you will still be in the Station and hence, need a ticket for local train. In most cases, you need to go through station staff on the left (but not from the automatic gate). If you have JR pass, you can go through with it. If you do not, you should ask station staff that you just want to get out from the south exit, then you will get a temporal pass.

At south exit, hotel Alpha-1 is on the left, public but to NIG is on the right. The bus stop is No 5.  Please see this page for the time table and where you get off the bus (a bit complicated).

After going through the gate, you need to go down to cross train tracks.  Sorry, no escalator to go down.

After crossing the tracks in the end, turn left and go up to south exit. The escalator may go up or down depending on time.

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To Mishima stationMishima_Station.html
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